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take the lid off the master cylinder reservoir and fill the reservoir completely and put the lid back on.

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Q: How do you put brake fluid in a 2005 impala?
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Where do you put brake fluid in a 2003 Ford F-150?

You put the brake fluid inside the brake master cylinder

Where do you put the brake fluid on a 1972 impala?

Drivers side at the firewall ,big round brake booster ,with a resivor held closed by 2 u shaped coathanger clips. Take a skrewdriver and pry each one away from the lid and pour in fluid.

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To put brake fluid in a 1997 Ford Explorer, you must locate the brake fluid reservoir. Once you locate it, unscrew the cap, and replenish the brake fluid.

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you put the brake fluid inside the master cylinder

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in the brake fluid bottle. >:D

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The brake fluid reservoir

Where do you pour the transmission fluid in a 2005 Chevy impala 3.4 engine?

Put a small funel in the spout where you remove the transmission dipstick and pour slowly

Where do you put the brake fluid in the 1992 Ford Escort?

The brake fluid in a 1992 Ford Escort gets put in the brake fluid reservoir. This is normally located on the master cylinder.

What happens if you put sugar in brake fluid?

You get brake fluid that will cause tooth decay

How do you put brake fluid in a car?

you open the cap that says brake fluid, and then you pour it in

Where do you put brake fluid on a 1998 dodge stratus?

You put brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir on a 1998 Dodge Stratus. This is located on the master cylinder, under the hood, on the driver's side.

Where do you put clutch fluid in a 1995 ford escort?

It uses brake fluid in the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid (brake fluid) is fed by the brake fluid reservoir. The clutch fluid reservoir is just beneath the brake fluid reservoir. So, add fluid to the brake fluid reservoir to fill the clutch fluid, also.