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it does that on mine becsue the brake doesnt work if ur break works its probally a short or something

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Q: How do you fix your emergency brake light that stays on when your emergency brake is not engaged?
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If the light stays on when the emergency brake is not engaged, this indicates the brakes are getting low and need to be replaced.

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emergency brake light stays on

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Either the BRAKE FLUID LEVEL IS LOW in the brake master cylinder in your engine compartment or your parking brake / emergency brake is still engaged

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You have air in your brake lines. Have the brakes bled.

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fluid might be low,emergency brake might not be fully released.

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The "Emergency Brake Light" IS A FAULT WARNING LIGHT not park brake light onlyThis means if the LIght stays on THERE IS A SERIOUS SAFETY PROBLEM with your brakes.You brakes need to be checked before you have a COMPLETE BRAKE FAILURE and crashTake you Van to a qualified person BEFORE YOU DIE

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The emergency brake is on?

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Either your parking brake ( emergency brake ) is on or the brake fluid level in your brake master cylinder in your engine compartment is LOW

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Problem with the ABS, take it to a pro.

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First off check ur brakes in front but with e-brake causing it to glow brighter then most likely check the back brakes. ANSWER Check your brake fluid level in the brake master cylinder in your engine compartment . The brake light comes on when your brake fluid level is low , or your emergency brake is on.

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It could be brake fluid, badly adjusted emergency brake sensor, some other problem with the brakes... a dealership code scanner can tell you what's wrong.

Why brake light stays on 1993 Chevy s10?

Defective or misadjusted, brake light switch.