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First off where is it? If it is in line then you can cut that section off and replace it with rubber fuel line of equal size.

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Q: How do you fix a gas leak?
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take it to a mechanic, a gas leak is nothing you want to mess with.

How can I fix a Gas tank leak?

Gas tank leak repair at Canadian tire or replace it,replacement is the best choice if you're keeping the car.

Gas leak somewhere above your gas tank on a 2002 Honda accord Is there any way to fix the leak without dropping the gas tank?

Look inside the car above the fuel pump for an access panel. If there is none, you will have to drop the fuel tank to fix the leak if the leak is at the fuel pump. You need to determine exactly where it is leaking.

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If you smell gas fumes you have a leak. To fix it you must find the leak. Your nose is your best tool to find the leak. This can be very dangerous so I would find and fix the leak ASAP.

What could be causing the smell of gas inside and out that also has a gradual gas leak by the rear passenger tire?

Gas leak i am assuming this is a car and not a pickup the gradual leak u have is allowing fuel vapors into trunk of vehicle . fix the gradual fuel leak and u will fix the gas smell inside car as the leak is near rear wheel, u need to fix this if in an emergency your brakes overheat, the gas leak could cause a fire most dangerous situation, not to mention that driving with a gas leak and fuel smell entering car can make you sick ,or even put you to sleep