* Remove the windshield wiper arms * Remove the cowl cover * Disconnect the electrical connectorr from the wiper motor * Detach the wiper motor/linkage assembly from the cowl * Remove the wiper motor retaining bolts and remove the motor
It is under the cowl below the windshield
Check either at the bottom of the windshield washer fluid reservoir or check to see if the wiper motor has washer hoses connected to it
Under the black cowling at the base of the windshield.
Please clarify or explain what you are trying to accomplish. There are no dip switch setting on that wiper motor that I have ever seen.
You get to drop you windshield...the wiper motor is under it. Unbolt the rollbars at the top of the windshield, then unbolt both brackets on each side of the dash. Carefully fold the windshield down on the hood. Then you'll see your wiper motor. I just did this yesterday on my 95 YJ. Try putting some PB Blaster/WD40 on all the bolts and letting it soak in. I had to make a trip to Fastenal for a few replacements.
it should be behind the cowel on the drivers side above the master brake cylinder.
Do u have a wiper motor wiring digram for 1997 doge ram 1500 pickup 2 wheeldrive
The 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo windshield wiper fluid reservoir can be found in the engine compartment. The windshield wiper fluid reservoir will be on the drivers side of the engine compartment.
Ford Expeditions where built from 1997 & UP... Windshield Wiper Motor Removal & Installation Front 1. Turn the ignition switch to the ONposition. Turn the ignition switch ON until the wiper blades are straight up, then turn the ignition switch OFF. 2. Disconnect the negative battery cable. 3. Remove the right-hand and left-hand windshield wiper arm and blade assemblies. 4. Remove the cowl top vent panels. 5. Detach the electrical hardness connector at the windshield wiper motor assembly. 6. Remove 3 wiper motor (module assembly) retaining bolts and remove the module assembly from the vehicle. 7. Remove the wiper linkage retaining bolt and remove the linkage from the wiper motor. 8. Remove 3 retaining nuts and remove the windshield wiper motor. To install; 9. Place the windshield wiper motor in position and install 3 retaining nuts. Tighten to 10-12 ft. lbs. (12-17 Nm). 10. Connect the wiper linkage to the windshield wiper motor and install the retaining bolt. Tighten the bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm). 11. Place the wiper motor (module assembly) in position and install 3 retaining bolts. Tighten the bolts to 6 ft. lbs. (9Nm). 12. Install the electrical hardness connector to the windshield wiper motor. 13. Connect the negative battery cable. 14. Allow the windshield wiper motor to cycle several times while checking for proper wiper motor operation. 15. Turn the windshield wiper motor to the OFFposition to park the wiper motor in the park position. 16. Install the cowl top vent panels. 17. Install the wiper arm and blade assemblies. Install the retaining nuts and tighten to 22-29 ft. lbs. (30-40 Nm). 18. Connect the negative battery cable. 19. Check the windshield wiper motor for proper operation and the wiper arms for adjustment.
The motor is under the plastic grill that is at the bottom of the windshield. It's held in place by a bunch of plastic "rivits" that you have to remove to get the grill out.