A bad belt, a bad regulator in the alternator or bad brushes in the alternator.
May be your alternator.
bad alternator, bad voltage regulator, bad battery, bad connections.
The alternator is belt driven and so is the water pump but that is where the correlation ends. There is no way a bad alternator could cause a water pump to go bad unless the alternator pulley was warped. Then there is a small chance.
alternator is bad
Spark Plugs do not affect your alternator. As long as your engine is running then it should be charging unless your alternator is bad
a bad ground wire can ruin an alternator by not completing the circuit
A bad alternator will not give proper power to the vehicle. Dim lights, buzz in the stereo or a dead battery could all be causes of a bad alternator.
bad alternator cable/corrosion bad battery
it can be caused by a bad alternator
No, if it is bad of course it will not work.
Many possibilities. Check in theis order: Bad battery connections? Bad battery? Loose alternator belt? Bad alternator connections? Bad alternator? (Test at auto parts store.)