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Q: How do you describe fosssil fuel?
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What is s fosssil fuel that is used for heating and electricity?

Coal, oil, and natural gas

Which one should you get spirit tracks or fosssil fighters?

ZELDA hands down

Which fossil type could contain preserved parts of an organism?

mold fosssil

What is a carbon film fosssil?

the carbon film on a fossil is a thin film of carbon residue preserved on a fossil. =)

What does it mean to spend fuel?

Do you mean spent fuel? This term is used to describe fuel rods that have insufficient energy left.

What is a fosssil?

A fossil is a living organism (plant/animal) that died and left traces in a dirt or rock compound. An example for this would be a 'Dinosaur'.

How do you describe coal in two words?

Black Rock or charcoal fossil Answer Fossil fuel.

What gasses can be produced from fosssil fuels?

green house gasses are produced like carbon dioxide which is the most common one produced by cars

Which term is used to describe the fuel that runs a cell's machinery?


What words are used to describe coal?

Black, combustible, fossil fuel.

Briefly describe the operating principal of the electrical rotary type fuel pump?

It is located in fuel tank, submersed in fuel. It uses a worm gear type drive to create fluid pressure that sends fuel to engine.

What best describe an efficient outcome?

a car is designed to waste as little fuel as possible