connect the power and acc wires together and put them on the positive and the ground to the negative
connect the 2 six-volt batteries together one terminal each positive to negitive, this will make a 12-volt combination, then you can connect the jumper cables, one side to the 12-volt battery and one side to the two 6-volt terminals, + & -
well it kinda says in the name TWELVE volt battery so it kinda takes TWELVE volts to work correctly
you put the negative side to the positive side, and tape them stuck Hook them up "in series", like a flashlight. Connect the positive (+) of one battery to the Negative (-) of the other, then use the unconnected leads of each battery as the posts of the 24 volt battery.
Take 3 twelve volt batteries Run the + of battery #1 to the - of battery #2. Run the + of battery #2 to the - of battery #3. Use the + of battery #3 for your positive feed, and the - of battery #1 for your ground.
If you have two 6 volt batteries you can take a jumper wire and connect the negative post on one battery to the positive post on the other battery then connect the remaining pos and neg posts to the 12 volt battery charger.
Assuming the truck has a 12 volt system, connect the batteries in parallel, that is positive to positive and negative to negative.
You will need these materials: 5 volt battery 5 volt battery clip buzzer wires to connect
Voltage Options using Two 12 Volt BatteriesEach 12 volt battery HAS 12 volts in a stand-alone configuration.If you want to "get" 12 volts and yet use both 12 volt batteries, then you hook them up in a "parallel" fashion.Parallel connection means that a cable is used to connect the positive [+] terminal of one battery to the positive terminal of a second battery. And another cable is used to connect the negative [-] terminal of first battery to the negative terminal of the second battery. This configuration provides the same 12 volts, but allows greater current [Amps] to be available.Another configuration ["series" connection] will create a 24 volt battery from the two 12 volt batteries.Series connection involves the use of only one cable to connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative terminal of the second battery.NOTE: it is CRITICAL that you NEVER connect a cable or wire between the positive and negative terminals of the same battery, or series of batteries. IF this happens, a condition called a 'short circuit" occurs, and WILL result in gigantic sparks [arcing], much heat, and the very distinct possibility that the the battery will explode in your face!!!!!
A twelve volt charger will charge twelve volt batteries only unless it has a feature that allows you to change the chargers voltage. But on fast or slow charge 12 volts is 12 volts so most 12 volt chargers are only good for 12 volt batteries.
They must be wired in series. Use only heavy battery cable. Connect Neg.pole on Batt,A to Pos. pole batt B. Between Pos. pole Batt. A and Neg. pole Batt. B you should have 24V.
You connect the batteries in series Red charger lead to one red battery terminal, then the black battery terminal of that battery to the red battery terminal of the second battery. Then black battery terminal of the second battery to the black lead of the charger.