use the key
call a lock smith
Use your key to turn the lock on the rear of the vehicle.
Yeah... sorry but break open a window.
1 use your jaguar key to manually open the trunk 2 use a battery charger/engine starter machine to give power to your battery3 jumpstart the vehicle4 switch the battery
a key...Charge your battery
Try using the trunk open button inside the vehicle located @ the lower left hand side of the steering wheel on the dash board (near left knee when sitting in the vehicle). Or you can use the key itself. There should be a keyhole near the bottom center of the chrome part of the trunk where you insert the key and turn to open the trunk.
Dead Battery was created in 2000.
How do you open the trunk in a 2010 toyota Pirus if dead battry
Use you key.
Use the key
With the key?