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Determining Whether a Fuse is "Blown" or Not

I do this by one of two methods. First, one must understand how a fuse works.

A fuse, whether is has a glass "envelope" or a plastic envelope, is nothing more than two electrical contacts [one at each end] with a small, sometimes tiny, conductor [wire or very small bar of metal] connecting between the two contacts.

The tiny conductor is the "working" part of the fuse; IF the electrical current flowing through the fuse is too much for the wire protected by the fuse to safely carry, then the tiny, thin "fusible" filament overheats, and melts thus, like opening a switch, cutting off the flow of electricity.

Usually, when a fuse blows, the electrical arc which melts the link, causes a black or grey, "smokey" deposit on the inside of the envelope. If that's the case, then you can usually see, and know, that the fuse has blown.

Sometimes, a fuse will blow, without causing the black, smokey deposit, and we have to use another method to determine that the fuse has blown.

The next way to tell if a fuse is blown is to carefully [sometimes a magnifying glass helps] examine the tiny wire or bar, looking to see if it's completely intact/continuous, OR IF is "cut" or "burned" in two. IF it's not continuous, then the fuse is blown and ruined.

A third method is to use a Volt-Ohm Meter [VOM] set to a low resistance [Ohms] scale. Connect one of the test probe points to one contact of the fuse, and the other test probe to the other contact. IF the meter needle does not move [or with a digital meter, shows all zeros] then that is an indication the the fuse is blown, and thus ruined.

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The amount of time a fuse will "burn" on a hand grenade varies. Most hand grenades made in the United States seem to have fuse times between 3 to 5 seconds. A manufacturer will make the fuse burn time according to the purchaser's specifications.

What is the formula to accurately calculate time fuse m700?

M700 fuse has a burn rate of about 40 seconds per foot, but that varies depending on several factors, including humidity, temperature, age of fuse, and specific manufacturing issues. The only safe way to get an accurate prediction of burn rate is to test the fuse. The official procedure for testing burn rate is to cut a 3-foot length of fuse, ignite the fuse, and note the time it takes to burn. Divide the time by three to determine the burn rate per foot. If the time is off more than + or - 5 seconds from the expected 40 seconds, perform another test to verify the results. If you repeat the test three times and your burn times vary by more than 5 seconds, do not use that time fuse, but select a different batch and try the test again. If you have access to Army Field Manual 5-250-1, you can read more about time fuse there.

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The difference between fuses is the current that they are designed to support. A fuse is intended as a safety measure to protect against overload. A 3 amp fuse should burn out if more than 3 amps is run through it, with some allowance for standard variance. A 13 amp fuse would burn out with greater than 13 amps. It is always a bad idea to use a fuse bigger than you need, because if your component is designed for a 3 amp fuse and you use a 13 amp fuse, there is a good chance you could damage your component with too much amperage because the fuse would not burn out at 3 amps, as was intended.

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Don't know what you want to know about the fuse.

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