The front forks must be removed from bike to check or change the oil. Clymer m457-2 1997 104mm standard ,min 81mm, max 120mm
what is the fork level height for a 1995 CR 125 honda
From my under standing if your riding MOTO, with a fork oil level gauge you measure put 110 mm.
No, it wont.
5o ml each leg fork.
70-75ml ATF
70-75ml ATF
5 speed
Well, when it comes to adding front fork oil to your Honda CRM 125, it's important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. You can usually find the specific amount in the owner's manual or by contacting a Honda dealership. Remember, taking care of your bike is like painting a happy little tree - it's all about patience and attention to detail.
You will first need to fill the fork completely with fork oil. Fork should be collapsed with the fork spring removed. Bleed the air out of the inner cartridge by slowly cycling the damper rod through it's full stroke. From this point you can set the oil level to the correct height measured from the top of the outer fork tube. Factory specs are: Minimum Height: 155mm Standard Height: 139mm Maximum Height: 117mm
the torque spec for a 1997 cr125 cylinder head is 20ft pounds of torque.
It is 0.020-0.024in
There are various levels for the 1979 RM125N Air Fork Oil Capacity Standard 392mm - approx 13.2 US Ounces Low Level 376mm High Level 424mm