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Q: Find a straight swap for stelrad ideal w2000 boiler?
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What is the best temp to run the ideal w2000 boiler to save gas?

Leave it switched off ! That type of boiler are uneconomical and very old. There is no real way to save gas due to the way they work.

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You need to run these 5 essential steps to remove all the spyware on your computer. 1. Run Deckard's System Scanner (DSS) 2. Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 3. Run the anti spyware removal programs spybot 4 Run Superantispyware 5. Run a complete scan with free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt! Install threat fire which will enhance your antivirus protection

Does Google Chrome work with Windows ME?

Probably not, although I can't say for sure. Unfortunately, the download page only says "For Windows Vista/XP", so Windows 95/98/2000 users are probably left out as well. Google Chrome does not run on Windows 95/98/ME, though the code is open so it can be made to do so if anyone wants to take the time to do so. The official version of Google Chrome will not allow it to run on Windows 2000, but an unofficial compile can ignore the checks, and it will run, but with some missing features (none important). According the system requirement of the Google crome it only works in windows xp , and vista ,Google crome does not support the windows 98 and Me

How much oil goes in a 2000 F150?

2000 FORD TRUCKS F150 PICKUP 4.2L 6-cyl Engine Code 2CAPACITIESEngine, with filter..........6.0 quarts [1]Cooling System, W/O AC Initial Fill..........18.0 quartsCooling System, with AC Initial Fill..........20.0 quartsAutomatic Transmission, 4R70W Initial Fill..........5.0 quarts [2]Automatic Transmission, Total Fill4 speed 4R70W..........14.0 quarts4 speed 2wd 4R100..........16.0 quarts4 speed 4wd 4R100..........16.0 quartsManual Transmission, 5-SPD Mazda..........7.6 pintsManual Transmission, 5-SPD ZF..........6.8 pintsDifferential, Front..........3.6 pintsDifferential, Ford 10.25 ring gear Rear..........7.0 pintsDifferential, Ford 9.75 ring gear Rear..........5.5 pintsDifferential, with 8.8 or 9 ring gear Rear..........5.5 pintsTransfer Case,..........4.0 pints[1] When refilling, remove dipstick to provide adequate venting and allow oil to flow into crankcase.[2] With ENG at operating temperature, shift through all gears. Check fluid level in PARK and add fluid as needed.TORQUESOil Drain Plug.....17-22 ft-lbsTransfer case BW 4406Fill Plug.....7-17 ft-lbsDrain Plug.....12 ft-lbsManual Transmission Mazda R2 5-SPDFill Plug.....30-43 ft-lbsDrain Plug.....30-43 ft-lbsManual Transmission ZF S5-42 5-SPDFill Plug.....25-30 ft-lbsDrain Plug.....25-30 ft-lbs2000 FORD TRUCKS F150 PICKUP 5.4L 8-cyl Engine Code 32000 FORD TRUCKS F150 PICKUP 5.4L 8-cyl Engine Code L2000 FORD TRUCKS F150 PICKUP 5.4L 8-cyl Engine Code M CNG2000 FORD TRUCKS F150 PICKUP 4.6L 8-cyl Engine Code W2000 FORD TRUCKS F150 PICKUP 5.4L 8-cyl Engine Code Z Flex-fuel[1] 4R70W[2] 4R100 - 2WD[3] 4R100 - 4WDCAPACITIESEngine, with filter..........6.0 quarts [1]Cooling System, Initial Fill..........20.0 quartsAutomatic Transmission, 4R70W Initial Fill..........5.0 quarts [2]Automatic Transmission, Total Fill4 speed 4R70W..........14.0 quarts4 speed 2wd 4R100..........16.0 quarts4 speed 4wd 4R100..........16.0 quartsManual Transmission, 5-SPD Mazda..........7.6 pintsManual Transmission, 5-SPD ZF..........6.8 pintsDifferential, Front..........3.6 pintsDifferential, Ford 10.25 ring gear Rear..........7.0 pintsDifferential, Ford 9.75 ring gear Rear..........5.5 pintsDifferential, with 8.8 or 9 ring gear Rear..........5.5 pintsTransfer Case,..........4.0 pints[1] When refilling, remove dipstick to provide adequate venting and allow oil to flow into crankcase.[2] With ENG at operating temperature, shift through all gears. Check fluid level in PARK and add fluid as needed.TORQUESOil Drain Plug.....10 ft-lbsTransfer case BW 4406Fill Plug.....7-17 ft-lbsDrain Plug.....12 ft-lbsManual Transmission Mazda R2 5-SPDFill Plug.....30-43 ft-lbsDrain Plug.....30-43 ft-lbsManual Transmission ZF S5-42 5-SPDFill Plug.....25-30 ft-lbsDrain Plug.....25-30 ft-lbs

How many times has South Carolina beat the citadel in football?

South Carolina vs. Florida State (FSU) All Time Record 3-15 1966 - FSU 32 - South Carolina 10 1967 - FSU 17 - South Carolina 0 1968 - FSU 35 - South Carolina 28 1969 - FSU 34 - South Carolina 9 1970 - FSU 21 - South Carolina 13 1971 - FSU 49 - South Carolina 18 1972 - South Carolina 24 - FSU 21 1973 - South Carolina 52 - FSU 12 1979 - FSU 27 - South Carolina 7 1982 - FSU 56 - South Carolina 26 1983 - FSU 45 - South Carolina 30 1984 - South Carolina 38 - FSU 28 1985 - FSU 56 - South Carolina 14 1986 - FSU 45 - South Carolina 28 1988 - FSU 59 - South Carolina 0 1989 - FSU 35 - South Carolina 10 1990 - FSU 41 - South Carolina 10 1991 - FSU 38 - South Carolina 10

How does one go about fixing a home computer system?

I actually asked this question since I had it happen to me, and in the process discovered that a clear answer doesn't exist. Before I start, let me say that you should do your best to backup your personal files as much as possible. I keep all my "generated" files (as opposed to installed applications) in a separate folder purely for backup purposes. For W2000 and WXP systems, it's best to create this folder at your root drive (C:) for a couple of reasons. First, CD burners sometimes balk at writing files with very long file names. If you keep a file in your "My Documents" folder, you've already prefixed "C:\Documents and Settings\YourName\My Documents" to every file you want to save. Also, if you get a real serious crash and can't start Windows, you will probably have to use the DOS command prompt to get to your files, having them in the C: drive helps shorten "drilling down" to your particular files. Another thing. All those CD recovery disks that come with computers when you buy them. Keep them, as well as all those other disks that contain apps and drivers. If your system gets hosed,..they're a good last resort. Chances are,..they'll do a clean install and wipe away any applications or "generated" files you have,..but at least you'll get a new reformated system that you can start over on. With my system crash, I booted up to the command prompt (after turning on, keep hitting F6 or F8 to get to an option where you can do this,...then use DOS commands like "Dir/w" (to view all files in the current directory in table form),.."dir/w *.exe" (to view all files of the type *.exe which are executables) to see what's there, and "copy c:/myfile.doc a:" to copy files a floppy in your a: drive. To move down the directory structure you use "CD directoryname" and to move up one level "CD .." In this way you can progress through your directories and files to get at what you need. Note that while in "dos mode",..filenames will not show up longer than 8 letters, a file in windows called "mypetdogsbignose.doc" will show up in dos as "mypetd~1.doc". Also, this process of saving your files won't work if the file is greater than 1.4 MBytes which is the limit of a floppy. In my case, my system was so hosed,..and I had so many files that I HADN'T backup up I interviewed a bunch of local companies until I found one that would 1) backup existing "generated" files (no need to backup applications since a fresh restall is actually preferred every 2-3 years anyway), 2) reinstall my OS after a complete drive reformat (to remove any lingering viruses/spyware, etc.), and most importantly guarantee the operation of they system. The latter is important. If someone can't guarantee a fresh install then they don't know what they're doing. I would also recommend making sure the "techs" are certified (e.g., Microsoft Certified),..the more certification, the better. For those in Colorado,..I would HIGHLY recommend Mountain Mobile,..quick service (24-48 hrs), all highly trained and certified techs (not just some snotty young kid who knows a few buzzwords), and guaranteed. I paid $300 bucks,..but it was worth it. They did a free upgrade (W98 to XP Professional SP2) since I understand Bill has decided the best way to justify dropping support for W98 and W95 is to offer free upgrades through companies like Mountain Mobile (again,..think CERTIFIED Microsoft support)and also installed Office 2000 Business Edition for free. (BTW: these upgrades alone would have cost me $500 alone). Be careful out there. Several years ago when I bought my first W95 system and it hosed up, the first "snot nosed kid" I hired,..promised everything,...and delivered nothing. For $150, I got a "fresh install" that worked for about 3 reboots until I got the blue-screen of death. After a quick call where I was told that for another $100 bucks, he would do the same thing,...I spent the next 3 days on the phone with some guy from India (who was actually quite good)and learned how to install and configure W95 by myself. Though it was an experience, I DID actually learn a lot. However, being a little older now,.and having other things I like to do,...I now know that the best way to fix a home computer system,.is do "due dillegence" in backing up your stuff,..and call an expert. FYIDave

Who where all the people who went for president?

George Washington, who ran for President in 1788 and 1792, was the only person elected U.S. President who was not a nominee of a political party.There have been many different candidates for President from many different political parties throughout U.S. history. Listed below are the "major party" U.S. Presidential Nominees along with their positions when they ran and whether they won or lost (W/L).The Federalist Party (1796-1816), The National Republican Party (1828-1832), The Whig Party (1836-1852) and The Republican Party (1856-pres.) (26 wins, 27 losses):1796 - Vice President John Adams - W1800 - President John Adams - L1804 - former Minister to France Charles C. Pinckney - L1808 - former Minister to France Charles C. Pinckney - L1812 - NY Lt. Governor DeWitt Clinton - L1816 - U.S. Senator Rufus King - L1828 - President John Quincy Adams - L1832 - U.S. Senator Henry Clay - L1836 - former U.S. Senator William Henry Harrison - L1840 - former U.S. Senator William Henry Harrison - W1844 - U.S. Senator Henry Clay - L1848 - General Zachary Taylor - W1852 - General Winfield Scott - L1856 - former U.S. Senator John C. Frémont - L1860 - former U.S. Representative Abraham Lincoln - W1864 - President Abraham Lincoln - W (The Republican Party used the name National Union Party in this election.)1868 - General Ulysses S. Grant - W1872 - President Ulysses S. Grant - W1876 - OH Governor Rutherford B. Hayes - W1880 - U.S. Representative James A. Garfield - W1884 - U.S. Senator James G. Blaine - L1888 - former U.S. Senator Benjamin Harrison - W1892 - President Benjamin Harrison - L1896 - former OH Governor William McKinley - W1900 - President William McKinley - W1904 - President Theodore Roosevelt - W1908 - War Secretary William Howard Taft - W1912 - President William Howard Taft - L (Taft finished in 3rd place behind former President Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive Party nominee.)1916 - Supreme Court Justice Charles Evans Hughes - L1920 - U.S. Senator Warren G. Harding - W1924 - President Calvin Coolidge - W1928 - Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover - W1932 - President Herbert Hoover - L1936 - KS Governor Alf Landon - L1940 - businessman Wendell Willkie - L1944 - NY Governor Thomas E. Dewey - L1948 - NY Governor Thomas E. Dewey - L1952 - General Dwight D. Eisenhower - W1956 - President Dwight D. Eisenhower - W1960 - Vice President Richard Nixon - L1964 - U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater - L1968 - former Vice President Richard Nixon - W1972 - President Richard Nixon - W1976 - President Gerald R. Ford - L1980 - former CA Governor Ronald Reagan - W1984 - President Ronald Reagan - W1988 - Vice President George H. W. Bush - W1992 - President George H. W. Bush - L (This was the last time that an incumbent President lost.)1996 - U.S. Senator Bob Dole - L2000 - TX Governor George W. Bush - W2004 - President George W. Bush - W2008 - U.S. Senator John McCain - L2012 - former MA Governor Mitt Romney - LThe Democratic-Republican Party (1796-1824) and The Democratic Party (1828-pres.) (29 wins, 29 losses):1796 - former Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson - L1800 - Vice President Thomas Jefferson - W1804 - President Thomas Jefferson - W1808 - Secretary of State James Madison - W1812 - President James Madison - W1816 - Secretary of State James Monroe - W1820 - President James Monroe - W (This was the last time that a presidential candidate ran virtually unopposed.)1824 - U.S. Senator Andrew Jackson (L), Secretary of State John Quincy Adams (W), Treasury Secretary William H. Crawford (L) and Speaker of the House Henry Clay (L)1828 - former U.S. Senator Andrew Jackson - W1832 - President Andrew Jackson - W1836 - Vice President Martin Van Buren - W1840 - President Martin Van Buren - L1844 - former TN Governor James K. Polk - W1848 - U.S. Senator Lewis Cass - L1852 - former U.S. Senator Franklin Pierce - W1856 - Minister to Great Britain James Buchanan - W (This was the last time that a Democrat won while another Democrat was in office.)1860 - Vice President John C. Breckinridge (south) and U.S. Senator Stephen A. Douglas (north) - both L1864 - Major General George B. McClellan - L1868 - former NY Governor Horatio Seymour - L1872 - former U.S. Representative Horace Greeley - died after the general election but before the electoral votes were cast (Based on the popular votes he would have lost anyway.)1876 - NY Governor Samuel J. Tilden - L1880 - Major General Winfield Scott Hancock - L1884 - NY Governor Grover Cleveland - W1888 - President Grover Cleveland - L1892 - former President Grover Cleveland - W1896 - former U.S. Representative William Jennings Bryan - L1900 - former U.S. Representative William Jennings Bryan - L1904 - NY Chief Judge Alton B. Parker - L1908 - former U.S. Representative William Jennings Bryan - L1912 - NJ Governor Woodrow Wilson - W1916 - President Woodrow Wilson - W1920 - OH Governor James M. Cox - L1924 - former Ambassador John W. Davis - L1928 - NY Governor Al Smith - L1932 - NY Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1936 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1940 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1944 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1948 - President Harry S Truman - W1952 - IL Governor Adlai Stevenson - L1956 - former IL Governor Adlai Stevenson - L1960 - U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy - W1964 - President Lyndon B. Johnson - W1968 - Vice President Hubert Humphrey - L1972 - U.S. Senator George McGovern - L1976 - former GA Governor Jimmy Carter - W1980 - President Jimmy Carter - L1984 - former Vice President Walter Mondale - L1988 - MA Governor Michael Dukakis - L1992 - AR Governor Bill Clinton - W1996 - President Bill Clinton - W2000 - Vice President Al Gore - L2004 - U.S. Senator John Kerry - L2008 - U.S. Senator Barack Obama - W2012 - President Barack Obama - WThere have been 15 times (8 wins, 7 losses) when a major-party presidential nominee was someone who had previously lost a presidential election (not counting "vice presidential" candidates from before the first vice presidential election):1800 - Thomas Jefferson - W1804 - Thomas Jefferson - W1808 - Charles C. Pinckney - L1828 - Andrew Jackson - W1832 - Andrew Jackson (W) and Henry Clay (L)1840 - William Henry Harrison - W1844 - Henry Clay - L1892 - Grover Cleveland - W1900 - William Jennings Bryan - L1908 - William Jennings Bryan - L1948 - Thomas E. Dewey - L1956 - Adlai Stevenson - L1968 - Richard Nixon - W1972 - Richard Nixon - WThere have been 7 times when a major-party presidential nominee was someone who had previously lost a vice-presidential election (4 wins, 3 losses):1816 - Rufus King - L1932 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1936 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1940 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1984 - Walter Mondale - L1996 - Bob Dole - LThe incumbent President was a presidential nominee 32 times (22 wins, 10 losses):1792 - George Washington - W1800 - John Adams - L1804 - Thomas Jefferson - W1812 - James Madison - W1820 - James Monroe - W1828 - John Quincy Adams - L1832 - Andrew Jackson - W1840 - Martin Van Buren - L1864 - Abraham Lincoln - W1872 - Ulysses S. Grant - W1888 - Grover Cleveland - L1892 - Benjamin Harrison - L1900 - William McKinley - W1904 - Theodore Roosevelt - W1912 - William Howard Taft - L1916 - Woodrow Wilson - W1924 - Calvin Coolidge - W1932 - Herbert Hoover - L1936 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1940 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1944 - Franklin D. Roosevelt - W1948 - Harry S Truman - W1956 - Dwight D. Eisenhower - W1964 - Lyndon B. Johnson - W1972 - Richard Nixon - W1976 - Gerald R. Ford - L1980 - Jimmy Carter - L1984 - Ronald Reagan - W1992 - George H. W. Bush - L1996 - Bill Clinton - W2004 - George W. Bush - W2012 - Barack Obama - WA former President was a presidential nominee four times (three were "minor-party" nominees) (1 win, 3 losses):1848 - Martin Van Buren - L1856 - Millard Fillmore - L1892 - Grover Cleveland - W1912 - Theodore Roosevelt - LThe incumbent Vice President was a presidential nominee eight times (4 wins, 4 losses):1796 - John Adams - W1800 - Thomas Jefferson - W1836 - Martin Van Buren - W1860 - John C. Breckinridge - L1960 - Richard Nixon - L1968 - Hubert Humphrey - L1988 - George H. W. Bush - W2000 - Al Gore - LNot counting incumbent Presidents, a former Vice President was a presidential nominee twice (1 win, 1 loss):1968 - Richard Nixon - W1984 - Walter Mondale - L