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ine drawing of a racing car water pump to illustrate it's specilal features. A complete pump was disassembled and the parts photographed in position for reference. The line are was finished in Illustrator.

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Q: Exploded view of the water pump assembly mounting-4.2l engine?
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I BELIEVE that is called the ( engine coolant thermostat / water outlet assembly )

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On the driver's side of the engine driven bay a separate, dedicated, belt assembly. It can be found by looking in-between the battery and cylinder head.

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On the North Star engine you need to remove the air filter assembly and look on the right side of the engine you will notice the thermostat housing connected to the water pump cover on the engine. Once the water pump cover is removed a special socket is needed to remove the water pump. It is also a good idea or install a new belt on the water pump as well.

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Look at the front of the engine at where the fan assembly attaches. The shaft of the fan attaches to the water pump drive pully. Right behind that pulley is the water pump.

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Follow the top radiator hose from the radiator to where it connects to the front of the engine . Your thermostat is behind the water outlet assembly