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It differs from a diesel engine in the method of mixing the fuel and air, and in the fact that it uses spark plugs to initiate the combustion process. In a diesel engine, only air is compressed (and therefore heated), and the fuel is injected into the now very hot air at the end of the compression stroke, and self-ignites. In a petrol engine, the fuel and air are usually pre-mixed before compression (although some modern petrol engines now utilise cylinder-direct petrol injection). The pre-mixing was formerly done in a carburetor, but now (except in the smallest engines) it is done by electronically-controlled fuel injection. Pre-mixing of fuel and air allows a petrol engine to run at a much higher speed than a diesel, but severely limits their compression, and thus efficiency

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Q: Explain the working of four stroke petrol engine?
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Petrol engine? 4-stroke, no. 2-stroke, some.

Is fuel for a two stroke engine fatal to a four stroke engine?

No it isn't fatal, but it would smoke quite a bit, because a two stroke engine needs two stroke oil mixed in the petrol, and a four stroke just needs petrol.

Advantages and disadvantages of four stroke petrol engine?

One advantage of having a four stroke petrol engine is the fuel economy. A disadvantage of the engine is in the cold weather they are harder to start.

What will happen if you put petrol in a 2 stroke engine?

It will overheat the engine

How Air cooling of 4 stroke single cylinder motorbike petrol engine occurs?

The air cooling of a 4 stroke petrol engine takes when the air flows on the engine .it takes not by radiation.

Where 2 stroke diesel and petrol engine used?

two stroke diesel engine is used in cargo ships as cross head type engines, two stroke petrol engines used in two wheelers.

What happens if you put 2 stroke petrol into a 4 stroke engine?

nothing the 2stroke-petrol will smoke as it burns the oil which should be mixed in it

Is 4 stroke fuel normal petrol?

4 stroke fuel is straight petrol, it does not have oil in it! If you use it in a 2 stroke engine you will seize the motor. 2 stroke fuel has oil added to it.

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high cost

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Advantages of two stroke engine over a four stroke engine?

Explain the advantages of four-stroke engine over two-stroke engine

Principal of four stroke petrol engine?

4stroke engine are stronger than 2stroke cause you get to break down on a 2 stroke