Unirex N2 is close to the equivalent of Alvania R2
Wicth shell grease can be equivalent with Mobil Unirex N 3?
Ceran HV, Ceran HVA, Ceran MS
although I don't aspire to be an expert on Grease I can tell you from experience that if you mix different manufacturers greases you can have trouble even if they are equivalent grease types. The purchase department at the company I worked at changed supplier, and the maintenance people started to use the equivalent grease. I only got involved when the bearing started to get hot. Needless to say as this was an especially critical item of plant, after 1 and a half days of lost production and 1300 workers sent home we would never mix grease types again.
monkey grease
Ryan's steakhouse frys it fish and chicken in the same grease but the grease is changed every two days to prevent it from becoming fishy
The homophone of "grease" is "grease." Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings, and in this case, "grease" only has one spelling as both the verb and the noun.
yes they might have a little less grease
No. I haven't watched either Grease, but I've heard enough songs and read enough info to know that Grease and Grease 2 are totally different stories, with different characters, (except for one really minor one). But the school is still the same.
Yes - It may not turn out the same as it would with Crisco, but it will most certainly work the same.
The idiomatic term "elbow grease" means to use manual labor to accomplish a task. The "grease" in french fries is usually vegetable oil, but may contain animal fats.