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From my experience they do seperate. Gas (petrol) to the bottm and diesel to the top.

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Q: Does petrol and diesel mix. Or do they separate if left. ie diesel sits at the bottom and petrol floats on top?
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Related questions

How do you separate diesel and petrol?

Distillation, Gasoline has a lower boiling-point, so it will separate-out first.

Does diesel float on petrol?

In my experience if allowed to sit still they will separate, gasoline to the top.

Could you separate water and petrol quickly without heating?

One method to separate water and petrol quickly is by using a separating funnel. Water is denser than petrol and will settle at the bottom of the funnel. By allowing the layers to settle and then carefully draining off the water from the bottom, you can separate the two liquids.

How can you separate petrol and diesel from crude oil?

Petrol and diesel can be separated from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation. Crude oil is heated in a distillation column, which allows the different components to evaporate at their specific boiling points. This process results in the separation of petrol and diesel, along with other refined products, based on their molecular weights.

Is petrol is used in diesel cars?

No, diesel engine require diesel fuel. Put petrol in a diesel engine and you will destroy it.

What is diesel and petrol used for?

diesel and petrol are source which is used to generate power.

How do you tell petrol from diesel in a can?

Petrol is and bit more vicous and that diesel is a lot darker than petrol. Petrol burns quicker when set alight, however diesel burns more brightly!

Can a petrol engine be converted to a diesel engine?

No, you cannot convert a petrol to burn diesel.

What is more combustible diesel or petrol?

Petrol is far more comustile compared to Diesel

Is the espero cdi petrol or diesel?


What method of separation is used in the refinery to separate crude oil into its constituents such as petrol kerosene diesel?

Fractional distillation ( i think)

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