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Q: Does jaguar have a special fuel line tool?
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a special disconect tool for replacing fuel filters

How do you disconnect fuel line on 2001 Dodge Dakota?

You need a special tool called a fuel line disconnect to release the tabs.

What special tool do you need to release the hoses for the fuel filter for a 2001 dodge caravan?

You need the Dodge fuel line release tool.

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There is a special tool for releasing the internal clips to remove the fuel lines.There is a special tool for releasing the internal clips to remove the fuel lines.

How do you remove fuel line connector?

There is a special tool that most auto parts stores have for this.

What tool do you use to remove the fuel filter?

There is a special tool to remove the fuel line from the filter on Rangers/Explores. I bought mine at Autozone for around $10.

Whats the name of the special tool used to take off the fuel filter?

K-D Tools Ford A/C and Fuel Line Spring Lock Tool #3290

How do you use special tool for fuel filter 2000 ford explorer?

theres usellay to ends on the the tool find the side that fits and push it in and fuel line will come off

How do you change the fuel filter on a 2004 Chevrolet Suburban Specifically do you need a special tool to release it from the fuel line on the engine side of the filter or does it just pull out?

The connection on the engine side of the filter is a metal collar quick-connect fitting. You will need to use a special tool called a "fuel line separator tool" available at most auto parts stores to disconnect this fitting. You insert the fuel line separator tool into the female side of the fitting, push it into the fitting until it releases the locking tabs inside the fitting, and then pull the lines apart.

1999 suburban fuel pump replacement Do the fuel lines disconnect at the tank or at the filler line part Is there a special tool needed?

The fuel lines disconnect at the tank and yes there is a tool required. You can get it at advanced or discount auto for a couple of bucks.

How do you disconnect the fuel line fittings on a ford explorer 1998?

It takes a special tool, go to your auto supply store and they will help you.

How do you change the fuel filter on a 98' Ford Ranger Do you a special clip tool it's not like the older style RAngers with the plastic clips?

You need to have a special tool for the new type of fuel filters, but you can buy a cheep set of them at any parts store. You get about ten little plastic rings in a set. All you do is select the one that fits the size of the filter that is going into the fuel line. Snap the tool over the filter part of the line and push it into the end of the fuel line. You may need to use somthing to help push it in there good. Once its in just hold the tool in and pull the line off at the same time.