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No, the explosion of compressed gases powers internal combustion.

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Q: Does internal combustion engines uses nuclear fusion?
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Can the moon produce light through internal nuclear combustion?

No. The moon does not produce any light of its own. It only reflects light from the sun. It does not have enough mass to ignite nuclear fusion, nor is it of the right composition. Finally, nuclear fusion and combustion are two completely different processes.

Do stars combust?

Stars are not powered by combustion; they are powered by nuclear fusion, which is a fundamentally different and far more energetic process.

Does sun do combustion?

No, the sun does not undergo combustion. Combustion is a chemical reaction that typically involves oxygen and a fuel source, leading to the release of heat and light. The sun generates energy through nuclear fusion, the process in which hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium, releasing immense amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.

Does combustion fuel the sun?

no combustion dose not fuel the sun but the sun is fueled by a nuclear reaction known as fusion.

What gas giant has nuclear fusion on it?

Jupiter is a gas giant that has nuclear fusion occurring in its core. The intense pressure and temperature generated by the planet's gravity triggers nuclear fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium, releasing large amounts of energy.

What is the chemical combustion of the sun?

The sun undergoes nuclear fusion, not chemical combustion. In its core, hydrogen atoms fuse together to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the process. This energy is what powers the sun and makes it shine.

Does the sun release smoke?

No. Smoke is a mixture of products of combustion, which is a chemical reaction. The "burning" that takes place in the sun is not combustion; it is nuclear fusion, which is a completely different process.

Which two energy sources can help a star maintain its internal thermal pressure?

Nuclear fusion and radiation pressure are the two energy sources that help a star maintain its internal thermal pressure. Nuclear fusion in the star's core generates heat and energy, while radiation pressure from the intense photons produced by fusion counteracts the gravitational forces trying to collapse the star.

Without oxygen and an atmosphere how do stars burn?

Stars do not require an atmosphere like Earth's to burn. The nuclear fusion process at their core generates energy, with the high temperatures and pressures sustaining the reaction. Oxygen is not a necessary component for this process to occur.

What Processes depend on fusion Check all that apply. production in the sun production in nuclear reactors C.the hydrogen bomb production from fuel cells?

It's A and C. The sun and most other stars are fusion reaction engines, and hydrogen bomb (perhaps more properly a fusion nuclear weapon) apply nuclear fusion to do what they do.

Does the sun have oxygen to support combustion?

No, the sun is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases. There is very little oxygen on the sun to support combustion.

What process produces the largest amount of energy given off by stars?

Nuclear Fusion