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No, it will be fine. Just install a battery and fire it up.

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Q: Does ecu on opel corsa have Tobe retuned if car has been standing without a battery for 6 months?
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How long new 12v battery for car can be store without charge?

A good auto battery will hold it's charge for at least 6 months or longer.

Will a cell phone charger kill the car battery?

Maybe if you left it plugged in for 6 months without starting the car. Then again, if you let a car sit for 6 months, the battery may croak anyway. So, in short: No.

The car has been left standing for 3 months and will not start no ignition light on the dashboard?

It is very common for the battery to discharge on a vehicle sitting idle for 3 months. First disconnect the positive + & negative- battery cables, and clean the battery post and cable connections off. Apply a thin layer of dielectric grease or Vaseline to the battery post and connect the negative - cable. Put a battery charger on the battery and let it fully charge overnight. If it will not accept a charge it is defective. It it does show fully charged, connect the positive + cable and see if the engine will start. if not, then more than likely the battery is dead and needs replacing.

How often do you need to change the battery weeks or months or year?

It deon the battery type.

How long does a lifeline battery last?

6 months

Can a Land Rover Discovery sit for 2 months without doing anything to it?

On 200 + 300 tdi Yes just disconnect the battery. when you put battery back on before using it just make sure you check the engine oil level.

Can you drain a battery by putting it in the refrigerator?

No unless you leave it in there for months. Want to drain it, the connect something to the battery and leave it on.

What is the lifetime of a car battery?

I am still using the same car battery for 8 years 4 months and it is fine , but I've had a battery develop a dead cell at 3 years 10 months ( the battery had a 4 year free replacement period ) Know that every time you run the battery down, you take months away from the life of the battery. Many things contribute to the life of a battery. Short trips of less than 20 minutes will shorten the life as the alternator will not fully recharge the battery. Extreme temperatures either hot or cold shorten the life of a battery. On average a battery will last from 36 to 48 months. But I have had them last 7 years and others that only lasted 3 years.

Should you disconect my battery if you do not use my car for 2 months?

No, that would not be necessary for only 2 months storage.

Why does battery die when car is idle?

Something causes a slow drain on your battery. As it does, your battery slowly discharges. If you know that your car will be not used for several months, you might try disconnecting on of the battery terminals.

My car hasn't started in months?

charge the battery should be ok

When does a baby stand?

All babies grow and learn at different rates. My son wasn't standing on his own until he was 10 months old. Some do it a lot earlier though. My friend's daughter was standing and walking at 7 months old.