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yes it does

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Edwin Mitchell

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Q: Does an animal with radial symmetry have a front end and a back end?
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What type of symmetry do cnidaria have?

Radial symmetry.other animals (exept sponges) and other exeption have bilateral symetry. bilateral symmetrical animals have up and down side, and a front and a back leaving left and right the same. radial animals only have an up side and down side, they do not have a fornt and back side.radial symmetry

If an animal has a front end and a back end what kind of symmetry does it have?

Opposite symmetry LOL :)

Which type of symmetry is enable faster movement bilateral or radial symmetry?

Bilateral symmetry enables faster movement compared to radial symmetry. Bilateral symmetry allows for a distinct head region and front-back orientation, which enables more efficient and streamlined movement in a specific direction. Radial symmetry, found in organisms like jellyfish, does not have a clear directionality and typically results in slower movements.

What symmetry has an animal with definite front and back ends side?


What kind of symmetry is shown in an animal whos body can only be divided in one plane to show mirror images?

An animal whose body can only be divided in one plane to show mirror images is said to exhibit bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means that the animal has a distinct front and back, a top and bottom, and two sides that are mirror images of each other. This type of symmetry is characteristic of most animals, including humans, and allows for the development of specialized appendages, such as arms and legs, which are important for movement and manipulation of the environment.

What type of symmetry does the starfish have?

they have radially symmetricalANS2:They appear to have radial symmetry but closer inspection will show that the madreporite (sieve plate) is not centered and the animal's behavior demonstrates that it has a preference in its axis of motion i.e., it has a "head end" even though it has no head. The bipinnaria larva of the starfish is bilaterally symmetrical and only takes on the apparent radial symmetry as an adult. Because of the off-center location of the madreporite, one could argue that the adult is bilaterally symmetrical but, junior high and high school biology classes don't encourage you to disagree so, you should probably answer "radial" if you are answering a multiple choice question.ANS3:Radial because it has more than one line of symmetry through the center Further Comment: I question the logic for answer 3. More than one line of symmetry through the central does not imply radial symmetry. I vote for ans1 as an approximation, and ans2 as a more detailed answer.

Type of symmetry in which body parts are mirror images of each other?

Bilateral symmetry is the type of symmetry in which an organism can be divided into two equal halves that are mirror images of each other along a central axis. This symmetry is commonly found in animals that are adapted for forward movement and have distinct front and back ends.

What Animal whose bodies are arranged a central point have what type of symmetry?

Animals with radial symmetry have body parts that are arranged around a central point. Any line drawn from one side through the center to the opposite side will divide the animal into two symmetrical halves. Because of their circular arrangement, radially symmetrical animals donâ??t have a recognizable front or back end, but they may have distinct tops and bottoms.

What Is the Correct Way to Rotate Radial Tires?

front to back

Many animals have body symmetry with distinct front and back ends This type of symmetry is?

This type of symmetry is called bilateral symmetry. It means that an animal's body can be divided into two equal halves along a single plane, typically the midline, resulting in mirror images.

Where are the sense organs of an animal with bilateral symmetry typically found?

In animals with bilateral symmetry, sense organs are typically found at the front end of the body where the head forms. This concentration of sensory organs allows the animal to efficiently gather information about its environment and respond to stimuli.

An animal with bilateral symmetry?

An example of an animal with bilateral symmetry is a butterfly. This means that the animal can be divided into two equal halves along a single plane. Butterflies have bilateral symmetry because they have a distinct right and left side that mirror each other.