A catalytic converter can be ruined by a engine that is missing and dumping raw fuel into the converter.
If the vehicle came from the factory with a catalytic converter is illegal to remove it. It will also not run properly without the catalytic converter install.
Your catalytic converter is probably clogged. Disconnect your exhaust just before the catalytic converter and drive then. If it runs better, you'll have to get a new converter. Or just ram out the same one. Try this before changing the oxygen sensors.
Not exactly sure how many the '96 has. All the oxygen sensors are located on the exaust. Some years have them just between the engine and the catalytic converter. Other years have them there in addition to another one behind the catalytic converter. They are screwed into the exhaust connected with connectors. Just unplug connector and unscrew them. Then replace. Some of them are really cranked on there though. Just remember DO NOT touch the tip or get anything on the tip of the new O2 sensors.
A shop can cut the bad converter out and weld a new one in.
It is ILLEGAL to remove the Catalytic Converter without replacing it with a new one.It is ILLEGAL to remove the Catalytic Converter without replacing it with a new one.
Yes, you have to have a catalytic converter in every state if the car came equipped with one when new. It is against federal law to remove one.
P0420 is a Catalytic Converter efficiency failer. More than likely you will need a new Catalytic Converter.
take it too a recycling place and get a new one!!
Mine was doing this same thing. It was the catalytic converter. It was about 250 for the part and 70 for labor. Runs great now and better gas miles!
No, replace the converter with a new one. Anything else is illegal.