In Utah, there is a a 30 day used car warranty. This means a person can return a vehicle if it is deemed to be defective.
Don't know about Utah. In Ky where I live the dealer must give the buyer a 30 day warranty of usability which is normally a 50/50 warranty, even if he bought the car as is. Contact the seller first and if not satisfied with his answer, contact your local county attorney for information on Utah law. Document everything in writing. Who you talked to, what was said, when, where, and the date and time.
If you bought the car and it came with a warranty, written or verbal, then take it back for repair. If you bought the car, "AS IS", then you bought the car as is, meaning no warranty whatsoever. You bought it, you own it, and you will have to pay to get it repaired. As is means exactly that. AS IS! Some used car dealers in some states are required to give a 30 day warranty on all the used vehicles they sell. Individuals are not required to give any warranty.
If it is a brand new car yes, Used cars no unless it has a limited warranty. In some states a licensed used car dealer is require by law to provide a very limited 30 day warranty. In most states if the car is sold. "As Is" then there is no warranty at all.
Depends on your agreement and the reason you want to return the car. Most states have a 3 day "change of Heart" limitation.
most used cars are sold "as is" implying no warranty!! You bought the car "as it is". Depeds on the terms and conditions at the time of sale. It being a safety concern there should be some consideration..
Car Max is a great place to buy reliable transportation. They have a 30 day warranty of their used vehicles and a five day money back guarantee.
The type of warranty one can get with a new Samsung car video player is a 30-day money-back guarantee, 1-year warranty and maintenance, 2-year warranty, and 3-year warranty.
No, you can walk away. But if the seller is selling the car "As Is", and requires you to sign an agreement as such, either sign or walk. "As Is" means exactly that. You are buying it with no warranty at all, either written or verbal. Some used car dealers will offer a warranty, and some states require they offer at least a 30 day warranty. Do not buy any used car without first having it looked at by a trusted mechanic. The money you pay him is money well spent. Buy a used car without having it inspected by a professional, and you will deserve what you get.
Generally, the day you drive it off the lot.
It typically starts the day the car is put into service meaning the day is sold to its first owner. The miles on warranty would start at that time as well. If you have a 3 yr/36,000 mile warranty and the day you buy the car it has 458 miles on it then your warranty would expire at 36,458 miles or 3 years from purchase date. Which ever comes first. I have to respectfully disagree with the above answer. The warranty is for 36,000 miles and it runs out at 36,000 miles even if the car had 458 miles on it when sold new for the first time. With that many miles the car would be heavily discounted as a demonstrator. But let's say it had 2 miles on it. The warranty still runs out at 36,000 miles and not 36,002. It is not a warranty to the buyer it is a new car warranty and it starts the instant the car rolls out of the factory.
If you bought it "As Is" with no warranty, you may be out of luck, but it may also have a state mandated 30 day warranty, as my state of Kentucky does. You are not going to be able to just return the vehicle, but the seller may help pay for repairing it as in a 50/50 deal. Contact you state Attorney General for used car laws in your state. In the future, take any car you are thinking of purchasing to a trusted mechanic and have it inspected before you purchase. The money you pay him to inspect the vehicle will be money well spent and you will avoid this type situation.
Take it back. There should be at least a 30-60 day warranty on it.