Where can I get a diagram of a 1996 Dodge Intrepid cooling system?
diagram for timing marks on 1996 dodge intrepid 3.5
dodge intrepid
Need a 1996-1999 Wiring diagram for PCM for dodge neon
i have a 96 dodge avenger 2.5 and it keeps blowing my ignition switch. any idea why?
Either get a shop manual or go to the dealer.
they didn't make Dodge Spirits is 1996 They stopped making them in 1995... how did you get a 96 Model.
Which do you mean? African or European Intrepid?
There is a faulty fuse that goes to the interior lights. There could also be a short in the wiring that leads to the lights.
sprak plug wiring diagram chevrolet lumina 1996 3.1