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Passing cultural patterns from one generation to another

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Q: Cultural transmission refers to the process of?
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What is cultural transmission?

Cultural transmission refers to the process by which knowledge, beliefs, practices, and values are passed from one generation to another within a society. It involves the transfer of information through social learning, imitation, and communication, shaping the cultural norms and traditions of a community over time.

What is transformation of society?

Transformation of society refers to the process of cultural reforms and transformations; changes in a society.

What is the process by which schools pass a society core values from one generation to the next?

Cultural Transmission of Values

What is the process by which schools pass a society's core values from one generation to the next?

Schools pass a society's core values to the next generation through the formal curriculum, which includes subjects like history, social studies, and literature that promote understanding of cultural norms and values. Additionally, schools shape values through the hidden curriculum, which teaches behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs through the school environment and interactions with teachers and peers. Lastly, schools reinforce values through policies, rules, and disciplinary actions that uphold societal norms and ethics.

Definition of vehicle for cultural transmission?

literature as a vehicle for cultural transmission

How does cultural diffusion lead to cultural leveling?

Cultural diffusion is a change process where the values and cultural constructs of one group are passed to another group. Cultural leveling refers to the process by which cultures lose their identity and become similar to one another. The exchange of unique cultural constructs eventually leads to cultural leveling by creating pressure to change.

He term oral tradition refers to the transmission of a peoples cultural history?

without the use of a written language

What term refers to the process of learning the traits of other cultures like language?

The term that refers to the process of learning the traits of other cultures, including language, is cultural assimilation or cultural acquisition. It involves adopting and integrating the values, beliefs, behaviors, and language of another culture into one's own.

People tend that they're involved in the process of teaching or learning culture?

Cultural transmission refers to the process by which individuals pass on beliefs, behaviors, and values from one generation to the next. This can happen through various means such as storytelling, rituals, and observation. It is a fundamental aspect of human societies and shapes our identities and relationships.

What is the definition of cultural acquisition?

Cultural acquisition refers to the process by which individuals or groups adopt and incorporate aspects of another culture into their own. This can include beliefs, customs, traditions, language, art, and other cultural elements.

Is cultural accumulation Socialization or not?

Cultural accumulation refers to the process by which individuals or societies acquire knowledge, beliefs, values, and practices from other cultures over time. This process is closely tied to socialization, as individuals typically learn and incorporate these cultural elements through interactions with others and societal institutions. Cultural accumulation, therefore, can be seen as a product of socialization.

Which of thes terms refers to the process of learning the traits cultures enculturation ethnocentrism accuoturation multiculturalism?

Acculturation refers to the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns of another group. It involves changes resulting from direct contact with a different culture.