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It is certainly important to wire a sub-bass unit correctly to ensure it receives the right signal from the right amplifier. However, swapping the wires to the speaker will not damage the speaker. It will adversely affect the system sound quality but a speaker wired back to front will not be damaged by the wiring.

One of the prime reasons for any speaker to be damaged is receiving a distorted signal from an amplifier. An amplifier that is over-driven will produce a clipped output signal at a high power level. This is one of the signals that can do most damage to a speaker.

Professional sound systems often use amplifiers that have a maximum power output significantly higher than the speaker's maximum power rating. This ensures that clipped signals will never be delivered to the speaker and avoids one of the common problems of speaker damage.

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Q: Could a sub blow if they are wired wrong?
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4 Ohm subs wired in series gives an impedance of 8 Ohms. 2 4 Ohm subs wired in series, wired with an 8 Ohm sub in parallel gives you a final impedance of 4 Ohms. Speakers wired in series raise impedance, speakers wired in parallel lower impedance.

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You will most likely blow your sub

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there are ways to do this, but i dont recommend it. this can cause sound to be distorted and also could blow fuses or cause other electric damages.

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No because the dolphin would blow up.8(

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You can yes. The gain should be turned down to low level and delicately turned up to get the desired sound but if cranked at full gain and bass boost could blow the sub

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Cant you need a amp or you will blow the battery

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it will not notice the sub as 250 so it will give 425 so you will have to tune the amp down so the sub does not blow out

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Yes, you can use a bigger sub. In a small room a 100W sub is enough.

What will happen if the sub uses all the hydrogen in its Core?

Well, you see here that if the sub uses all the hydrogen in its core, it will simply blow up... in your face, and you will probably die.. just sayin..

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The opposite of "sub" could be "main" or "top."

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no way what you thinking some thing is wrong with your brain

Why your radio and normal speakers still works but your 12 inch sub-woofers stopped working?

Check the amplifier used for the subwoofers. Most amplifiers have a 'protect' light that will light up if the subs are wired wrong, if the power wire or ground isn't sufficient, if the amplifier overheats, or if the amplifier is blown. Check your ground wire to see if it has come loose, a simple self tapping screw isn't sufficient to hold the ground lug in place. Also check the wiring for the subwoofers, if spade terminals are used they can come loose, which would blow the mosfets on the amplifier internals.