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Possible a failing U-joint.

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Q: Clicking noise coming from the drive shaft between 20 and 30 mph what could it be?
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What causes a clicking noise when accelerating in a maxima?

Coming from the drive wheels? Could be worn CV joints

What does it mean when their is a clicking noise coming front the front right side?

You did not say what kind of vehicle it is. If it is a front wheel drive, it has drive axles and if the drive axle is going out, it will click especially when you turn the wheels.

2005 Chevy Truck is making a clicking noise coming from the steering while and you can feel it when you press on breaks what could be causing this?

It could be a broken brake pad binding and grinding. I wouldn't drive it too far without pulling things apart and finding the source.

Engine clicking sound?

Clicking means metal on metal and no oil in between. Check your oil, oil and filter changed? Don't drive it if it gets worse - there is a glog somewhere - or it is too late already.

What would cause a clicking sound from the front wheel of a rear wheel drive car when the car is driving straight?

When you drive over a clicking bettle.

What could be the cause of my 1999 Toyota Camry making a clicking sound when I make left turns?

You should check the cv joints on your drive line. When they start to go bad they'll start clicking when you turn.

What makes a clicking noise in wheel of 2003 Chevy Suburban?

If it's a 4-wheel drive then it could be the axel joint / CV joint. It could also be the brake pads.

What are the signs of faulty cv joint?

Signs of a faulty CV joint are CLICKS coming from the front of the vehicle while performing sharp turns. To really put this to the test, you should drive backwards in tight circles, if you hear any clicking you have a bad CV somewhere you should be able to tell which side of the car it is coming from. Try not to drive very far on a bad CV joint, because you could become stuck out in the middle of nowhere!

What can one do if the hard drive is clicking?

If a hard drive is clicking then a person should make a decision to try and back up or recover any files on the hard drive. Files on the hard drive can be recovered by using professional hard drive recovery systems.

What could be a clicking noise from the signal lights of your 2008 Dodge Charger?

Are you talking about the clicking that is heard in the cabin when the turn signal is blinking? That is just an auditory reminder that your blinker is on to hopefully prevent you from leaving it on as you drive down the highway.

What are the symptoms of a bad cv joint?

A Clicking or grinding noise coming from the front end. The best way to test your CV joints is to drive backwards in a tight circle (wheel completely cranked) you should be able to tell which side the noise is coming from if it is bad.

A friends 1993 Mazda 626 makes a clicking noise around the engine not on startup but minutes into the drive and when idle why is this?

Could have a bad motor mount