rephrase your question as it doesn't make a lot of sense.
Click the links and contact these people. They can help you.
It is 257 miles from Robins AFB to Tyndall AFB and approximately 5 hours and 10 minutes to drive depending on traffic.
For individuals coming out of Tech School you can be stationed at Hickam AFB, HI, Ellmendorf AFB, AK, Eglin AFB, FL, Holloman AFB, NM, Whiteman AFB, MO, or Langley AFB, VA.
An AFB is either an air force base or an acid-fast bacillus.
Andrews AFB is 11.5 miles from Bolling AFB and takes approximately 24 minutes to drive between the two depending on traffic.
About 161 miles. Just under three hours road time.
AFB= Acid Fast Bacillus
100000000 miles
63.12 miles (101.58 kilometres)
The address of the Tinker Afb Heritage Foundation is: 3001 Staff Dr Oc-Alc/Cs, Tinker Afb, OK 73145-3303
You'll need an exhaust gas analyzer then it's just trial and error. You MIGHT be able to find a performance shop to give you an idea where to start, but generally you'll need to set it up using some diagnostic equipment after some initial guessing.