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Make sure the Car is in PARK, if it is in gear like Drive or Reverse, the Car won't start even if the battery and starter are fine.

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Q: Car was running fine turned it off and now it wont start the starter tested good and the battery is good turn the key and nothing at all happens no noise whatsoever?
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That depends on the age and model of the vehicle. Above is an invalid answer. age has nothing to do with resetting anything, When the car is running and you remove the battery nothing is reset it just keep on running. But if the motor stop and therefore no power many things will rest and yes it depends on the age

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If the car is on (Ignition is on, engine is running) then no. Nothing should drain the battery when the car is running, there is a device called an alternator with a belt that usually goes around the crankshaft that transforms the mechanical energy into electrical energy. As long as you have the car running, the battery should not die. If so, you have a mechanical problem.

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Nothing provided the engine is not started up. With no oil, a running engine would eventually seize up.

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your alternator may have went out so the car was running on the battery, once the battery died..... so did the car.

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Yes, because a bad coil will not allow the engine to run. But if the engine is running then the coil has nothing to do with the alternator charging the battery.

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If you leave the Ingition Switch on without the engine running. The battery will go dead. Then you will have to get a boost or charge the battery to get the engine started.

Would a bad alternator cause a car to die while driving?

If the alternator fails, it is no longer keeping the battery charged and your engine is running on nothing but battery power. Once the battery runs down, your engine will no longer run.

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