Can and how so you swap a sbc 350 in a 1972 Oldsmobile cutlass?
you can put a SBC in a 1972 olds, i have a 72 cutlass also and
intend on putting my 400SBC in it in about a month or so. you would
have to change the motor mounts, even though they are both GM, the
BOP (Buick olds Pontiac) are different than GMC and Chevrolet. the
transmission would have to change also, i have a BOP TH350 trans
but will have to change to a Chevy TH350 because the holes are a
little bit different. the accessory mounting brackets are also
different, im not sure if you have power steering pump and AC
compressor etc. for the Chevy but id hit up the junkyard for what
you can and make life a little easier and cheaper.