yes 2857516s will fit my brother has hadthem on for 5 years no probs with the 2857516 bfg at
Replace the tire
yes with factory offset wheels
The best idea to replace a tire which has a whole in it is to replace it with a new one. Reason as to why you should replace it because the tire can wear out and blow out sooner with a whole in it.
Yes , you can replace a 205 50r 16 with a 205 60 r 216. You must replace in pairs, not a single tire.
Yes you can
Generally requires removing and dismounting the tire, replace TPMS sensor, remount tire, balance tire, re-install tire to vehicle, do the relearn tire position procedure.
You can not replace just the tire pressure sensor on a Boxster. You will need to replace the whole sensor. The sensor is located inside the tire assembly.
Yes, it is possible.
Yes, you can.
Yes you can
Yes you can