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You should verify this for your particular state, but in general a company or bank may repossess a vehicle only. Any personal items left in the car still belong to the owner. If you are denied access to your personal property, you can contact the police and file a theft report or you can sue for damages. If the speakers are not part of the car, any and all property should be able to be claimed by the owner.

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Q: Can you recover your speakers if they were just sitting in the trunk of your repossessed car in Colorado?
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The older worsen with the hat was Jess Jackson's wife. I don't know why she was sitting up there!

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Can you get your stuff out of your truck that was repossessed like your speakers that are in a box behind the seat and amp clothes money and medicine?

Yes you are entitled to your personal possesions. Typically, the rule of thumb is that if it is INSTALLED in the vehicle, it stays in the vehicle unless prior arrangements have been mad with the lienholder or it states otherwise in your contract. If the speakers and amp are just sitting in there, it is considered personal property and they have to let you get them. However, if there is even one screw attaching them to the vehicle, they stay until the lienholder gives the ok to remove them. Best way to get it all back is to pay the lienholder off and get everything back at the same time.

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The primary cause of hearing loss, is loud noise blowing out your eardrum, such as going to a concert and sitting front row, or right behind the speakers.

What is the primary cause of hearing loss?

The primary cause of hearing loss, is loud noise blowing out your eardrum, such as going to a concert and sitting front row, or right behind the speakers.

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The speaker for weekly Field Op #28 is not actually in the Lighthouse. The one you are looking for is in the Nightclub, the very speaker which the green puffle is sitting on. ;-)

Where should you put rear speakers for surround sound?

Ideally you want them behind you with one to the left of you and the other to the right. You can do a search on the net for surround sound speaker layout and you'll get a couple of examples as to where to put them. If you have satellite speakers for the surround (these would be the smaller speakers) than you will want them mounted on the wall (with speaker mounts due to the positioning of the speakers) so that they are pointed at the location you will be watching television. This goes for all the speakers. The receiver should have a set up feature that will either have you inputing information as to the location of every speaker (distance in feet the speaker is from where you will be sitting) or if you have a higher end model than you might just have to plug in the mic (will come with the receiver) and put it where you will be sitting and let the receiver run through a series of sound checks to figure out the best settings based on your positioning.

Is sitting a verb?

Yes, sit is a verb.

Are pocket bikes on the side walk legal in Denver?

No. Unfortunately because of their low profile stance and the crouched sitting position Colorado officials believe that they aren't visible enough to cars and trucks.

Which of the four wires for the front speakers of a 1989 Chrysler Le Baron are hot?

I'm assuming you're referring to the 4-way Infinity connector. The center two wires (green and black on the speaker sitting on my shelf) are the + and - for the audio, repsectively, and the red and grey (outer two wires) are +12V and ground for the onboard amp in the Infinity speakers.

Job's for fifteen years olds in or near Lakewood Colorado?

There are many jobs that 15 year olds can do during the summer, including baby sitting. Kids can also wash cars, baby sit pets, or sell jewelry.