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no you can not

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Q: Can you recover deleted yahoo chat conversations?
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How can you recover chat history on facebook after you have deleted it?

Thank me later.. cheers mate

Is video chat possible in Yahoo Mail?

Yes, video chat is possible in yahoo mail.

Can you change your display picture on yahoo mail chat?

yes i can display picture on yahoo mail chat

What different Yahoo chat rooms are there?

There are many different Yahoo chat rooms. First of all a person would need an account for Yahoo Messenger. From there, he or she can join any available chat room.

Where are all the military chat rooms?

Yahoo chat has military chat rooms.

Why does chat on Yahoo not loading?

not open my yahoo mail account

Can you group chat in yahoo mail not messenger?

No. You can only group chat / participate in a conference if you download the Yahoo Messenger application.

How do you get on Yahoo chat?

Click on the contact you want to chat with, and click their messenger address. You can then chat.

Does yahoo messenger for macs have voice support in yahoo chat rooms?


Where is the Yahoo chat with the captain?


What are the benefits of Java chat over Yahoo chat?

There are no benefits to using JAVA chat over Yahoo chat. JAVA chat costs more money to download apps and games as well as having bad reviews from users.

Can you save chat history in Yahoo Mail?

No, and Yahoo has a weird way of servicing its chat users. Yahoo Messenger holds its own chat history, while Yahoo Web Messenger (the Flash-based one) holds another chat history if you use it. Neither Yahoo Messenger nor Yahoo Web Messenger sync between each other to preserve chat history between sessions, and that Yahoo Mail has a chat feature that doesn't allow you the option of saving a chat history AT ALL makes one wonder about their competence.