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Yes! It works just the same, antifreeze is preferred though especially if you live in a colder climate or in the northern states where it will freeze. if you have water in your cooling system and it freezes your whole engine will basically be frozen solid and you'll have to wait for it to thaw. But it does work. Don't forget that water has a tendency to rust metal, which is why coolant is preferred. They add rust inhibitors to prevent rust from forming.

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Q: Can you put water in your car instead of coolant?
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Is it ok to put water in a 2000 diamante instead of coolant?

never in any car,water evaporates,causes rust and will run hot

Can you put water in your 2000 malibus radiator instead of coolant?

yes but i wouldn't if you live in a cold climate your block will freeze and then you lost a great car :)

Can AC water be put in a car?

Clean water should be used and mixed with the proper coolant for your car.

Can you put water only in the reservior for coolant?

It is possible to put water only in the reservoir for coolant on a car. However, this should only be a temporary fix until it can be repaired by a mechanic.

Can you put water in a Volkswagen jetta to substitute for coolant?

If your car is leaking coolant get it fixed and put in the recomended coolant for your car. You should locate that info in the manual, also putting water in the winter is a bad idea since the water could freeze causing engine damage. I supposed you might be able to run it for a while in the summer with just water but get the leak fixed and put in the recomended antifreeze/coolant

How much coolant do you need to put in your car?

The bigger your car, the more coolant you need to put in. The bigger your engine and car, the more coolant you need

Where do you put and fill water in BMW car engine?

At the radiator or overflow tank. Do not add water, add coolant.

What do you put in the cooling system of a 1993 ford explorer can you put water instead of coolant?

I would only put water in an emergency situation where I don't have coolant available. The coolant helps the engine to not overheat and to not freezing, while that could happen if you just use water. If you don't have your vehicle's manual to know the specification of the coolant, you can use the generally available Prestone and add water according to the table on the coolant's recipient. (or you can buy the pre-mixed formula)

Do you put coolant in car when car is on?

No , when the engine is cool

Can you put water in your coolant tank if you are out of coolant?


Is it good to put distilled water into a car radiator?

Yes as long as it is mixed 50-50 with coolant/antifreeze.

Can you use water instead of coolant in your vehicle?

as long as it is not the winter... then it will freeze. and never put water in a hot empty radiator or you will crack the block and you will be very sorry.