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If your front axle and real axle are misaligned definitely not, if the left and right sides are misaligned then the sway bar can counteract the car's front wheels tendency to produce heel and toe (the pointing of the wheels inward converging towards the front of the car and outward toward the rear) under acceleration and really weak suspension. Likewise its will reduce the potential for slight negative camber (the cars wheels pointing outward towards the top of the car or "squatting" like its under heavy loads).

The effects would really be quite negligible though, if your wheels are misaligned so much that buying a new sway bar is cheaper than realigning, you won't fix the issue with a realignment.

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Q: Can the sway bar lessen the misalignment of the wheel?
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Remove belt tentioner bolt and belt (from top), and support bolt (from bottom). Remove driver wheet and unbolt sway bar, replace wheel. Remove passenger wheel and support vehicle. Remove sway bar bolt, sway bar can now swing up and down. Remove lower splash cover. Remove alternator from opening in fender well while pushing down on sway bar. Replace in reverse order.

Where are the stabilizer bar link locate?

another term is sway bar links tis is the suspension componet that prevents body roll in turns it runs from the LF wheel well to the RF well area the sway bar links is about 12 to 15 inchs long and bolt to the strut and to the sway bar using an 18 mm nut the bolt is part of the link

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You may want to check your sway bar links and bushings.

What is the difference between sway bars and sway bar links?

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What do the sway bar links do?

A sway bar is a torsion bar mounted laterally on a suspension and is designed to reduce side sway. The sway bar attempts to accomplish this by transferring movement from one side of the suspension to the other. This is done through the connection of a torsion bar to each side of an axle by flexible links. (Sway bar links)

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It's a part of the suspension of a car. It limits how much one wheel can move up at the same time as another wheel moves down - as happens when cornering.

What is the difference between sway bar links and sway bar bushings?

A little more information. Year/model. Some sway bar links become loose because of wear and the links continue to work but make a noise when the front end hits a bump. Other sway bar links will break altogether and the vehicle will lean excessivly when going around a corner.

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Is there a diagram of where the stabilizer links are on a 2003 trailblazer?

another term is sway bar links this is the suspension component that prevents body roll in turns it runs from the LF wheel well to the RF well area the sway bar links is about 12 to 15 inches long and bolt to the strut and to the sway bar using an 18 mm nut the bolt is part of the link