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Is it new? if it is it's not the battery. If it's really old your battery most likely is leaking.

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Q: Can someone tell me why the battery keeps dying even though i have replaced the alternator?
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Can a faulty alternator drain a new battery?

It can, though it is unlikely -- the alternator and the voltage regulator would both have to be faulty. A faulty alternator will not charge a battery, though, so it may seem normal until the charge put into the battery at the store runs out.

If the battery is replaced the alternator is working but every time the car is started it seems as though the engine completely loses power eventually starts and the clock resets to 12 any ideas?

bad electrical connection.some where.

Why does the battery light keep coming on your 1995 Pontiac sunfire even though the battery is new?

It could be your alternator is going bad

Why does the battery light come on while driving even though the alternator is charging the battery?

The alternator may not be charging it enough. With the engine running at an idle check the voltage at the battery with a DC digital voltmeter. It should read from 13.5 to 15.5 Volts. Anymore, or any less, and the alternator is suspect. You might also have a defective battery.

Will a car engine start with a new battery even though the alternator is bad?

Most definitely.

Why does my 1994 Lumina Apv 3.8L engine cut off for no reason while driving and start right back up even though I have replaced the battery and alternator?

Check the ignition control module...notorious for this problem

What is the purpose of a diode in a car connected after the battery?

I think the purpose is so that the battery doesn't drain itself trying to turn the alternator as though it was an electric motor. The diode only lets current flow in one direction, from the alternator to the battery.

My 02 lancer wont start battery works and when you turn the key you hear cliking but engine wont turn?

Your battery is dead (even though you have some power), jump start it and when car is running test voltage to see if alternator needs to be replaced. Also ensure battery terminals are properly secure if you have no luck.

My 1991 Chevy van wont charge battery. the battery is good and the alternator has been replaced and from what ive herd the voltage regulator is internal in the altinator anybody know whats wrong?

Even though the alternator has been changed, take the car to a parts store and ask them to check the output. Some alternators are rebuilt and every once in a while, one of them is bad. Also, check the wiring on the alternator and make sure there is no corrosion on the battery cables. If none of those things help, you may have to take the alternator apart and replace the voltage regulator. One other thing, the alternator relay may be shot.

Why do the voltage battery light keep coming on after a new battery has been installed?

Ah, you have made one of the most common and easiest mistakes to make in automotive maintenance. Because the 'battery voltage' idiot light came on, you assumed that the battery was bad. Did you have an automotive electrical specialist test the electrical system on your car? Did you have the battery tested at a battery shop? Did you know that there are 3 primary parts to an automotive electrical system, and anyone of them can be responsible for the system operating below required voltage levels? Most modern automobiles generate electricity with a device called an alternator, which is driven by a belt from the crankshaft. The alternator generates Direct Current, at voltages up to 20 volts, in some cases. To keep the alternator from frying the battery, a Voltage Regulator is used to control the output of the alternator. This insures that the battery is only charged with a current of 18 volts, or less. Most modern alterators have the voltage regulator inside, but on older cars, the voltage regulator is mounted on the fender or the firewall, somewhere in the engine compartment. So, the alternator generates the electricity used to charge the battery, but the voltage regulator controls the output of the alternator. If the alternator is going bad, it may not be generating enough voltage to charge the battery. The battery is usually a 12 volt battery, and must see more than 12 volts to charge. Or, the alternator output might be reduced to an unusable level by the voltage regulator. Before you replace the entire electrical system, take the car to an automotive electrical specialist for testing. They can determine exactly which component is not working, and repair it. (Note: If the voltage regulator is bad, this DOES NOT mean that the entire alternator must be replaced! In almost all cases, the voltage regulator can be replaced by disassembling the alternator. If the specialist insists that the alternator must be replaced, I would recommend getting a second opinion, even though testing is often not free. Voltage regulators are fairly cheap, and can be replaced by a competent technician without too much difficulty. Alternators are expensive.)

How do you start a Ford Contour which stopped starting even though the alternator and battery are fine?

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