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Of course it does not you bafoon! I have it and I am as ENERJETIC as ever, you pastry!

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Q: Can eczema make you tired
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Can Eczema make you dizzy?

I have eczema but I haven't fet dizzy at all. If you lose control with eczema you might get dizzy by scartching to much.

How do you make eczema go away?

Well to get rid of eczema you should start putting cream for eczema at least 2x a day and puts lots of cocoa butter EVERYDAY

Can body spray cause eczema?

well i have eczema and body spray will make it even worse if u put it in the area u have eczema but like me u can put it on ur clothes

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Does Cancer make you tired?

Does Cervical cancer make you tired?

Does math make you tired?

Yes, math can make you tired and stressed out.

Can infection make you tired?

Infection can make you tired and reduce your sex drive.

Does pms make you feel tired?

Yes it can make you feel very tired.

Does watching television make you tired?

Makes me tired

How do you get asleep when you are not tired?

Make yourself tired by doing exercise, running in place and watch t.v. to make your eyes tired. There is alot you can do!

How do you tell if you have eczema on your eye?

you know if there is eczema on your eye if there is eczema on your eye.

Exercises that make muscles tired?

All exercises eventually make muscles tired.