A bad crankshaft position sensor will cause your Kia Sorrento to run rough. The bad crankshaft position sensor can also cause your Kia to not start.
A bad crankshaft position sensor on your Chrysler 300 will cause the engine to run very rough or not run at all. The malfunctioning sensor can cause damage to your engine, if not repaired.
When a position sensor is going bad the engine could run rough, or cut off for no apparent reason. Or, the engine may not start at all.
one of the main symptoms is the truck tries to die (stall out) when you come to a stop. also a rough idle
either cam shaft sensor or crankshaft sensor or air flow meter are the common 3 things
Try checking for the crankshaft sensor
A bad throttle position sensor, on your 1991 Saturn, will cause the engine to run rough when it is idling. The engine will run normally at higher speeds.
A bad camshaft position sensor will cause a engine to run very rough or not run at all. Replacing the camshaft sensor is very complicated.
A bad throttle sensor can cause several problems. Symptoms include rough idle, loss of power, and even power surges while driving. .
crankshaft sensor going.
Yes it can
YES it does. It should be close to intake.