It could cause the check engine light to come on with a code concerning cooling system/thermostat performance.It could cause the check engine light to come on with a code concerning cooling system/thermostat performance.
A defective thermostat can cause the engine to overheat. It can also cause the engine to not reach full operating temperature if the thermostat is stuck open. It is possible this could set the check engine light.
Yes, on some vehicles it can.
It means that the engine is not warming up properly, possible thermostat failure.
I would suspect the thermostat is stuck open. Replace the thermostat.
It sounds like the thermostat is opening up late causing the engine to almost overheat before it opens. Replace the thermostat.
What is a thermostat light?
It is not recommended, the check engine light will come on, and in the long run the engine will sludge up.
yes sometimes cause if it fails open the temp sensor will kick the light on tellin its too cold or opposite if the thermostat fails closed
Many vehicles will trigger a check engine code if the engine never reaches its designated operating temperature (Such as if a thermostat was stuck open). However, there are hundreds of other reasons a check engine light can come on. Putting in a thermostat solely because the check engine light came on is a very bad idea. Any time that light comes on you should have the vehicle scanned by a trained proffessional (The guy at Napa doesn't count). A good service technician can use the information given by the engine computer to determine what is wrong with the vehicle.
have vehicle scanned to determine the problem
Yes on most 1996 and later vehicles, the computer will set a code if the engine is running at too cold a temp.