when your battery is good and starter doesn't turn over engine. try with booster cables directly from battery to starter to eleminate bad ground or positive wire connections.positive cable to positive connection on starter and ground cable to ground on starter and with jumper wire from positive connection on starter touch it to connector on starter from ignition switch . if your starter doesn't turn over , than you have a non working starter.
bad starter, or bad relay, bad ground or power wire to starter solenoid, bad ignition switch, blown fuse, etc
the ground wire running from the starter solinoid to the starter sounds to be bad
Yes, it is possible on an electronically controlled transmission.
Bad starter, shorted wire
It sounds like you have dirty/loose battery connections, a bad ground, loose ground wire on the engine block, loose hot wire at the starter, bad starter, or bad ignition switch. I have a 95 Chevy lumina and i have rebuilt the starter, replaced the solenoid, put shims between the starter and transmission, changed the battery cable. Jesse
you may hear a click you may but check the connections on the battery and on the starter make sure the power wire and the ground are connected well if they are and still nothing then your starter may be bad but have it tested at your local parts store
Checking for a bad starter is simple. You will need a test light. Take your test light and ground it on something metal. make sure you have a good ground by touching it to the positive side of the battery. If it lights up you have got a good ground. Now take your test light and poke the remote wire on your starter. there are only two wires going to your starter a big battery cable positive wire and the little remote wire ''which is controlled by the ignition switch'' Once you have the test light touching the remote wire have someone try and start the vehicle. If it lights up that means you are getting power to your starter correctly and your starter is shot. Good luck!
a bad ground wire can ruin an alternator by not completing the circuit
bad starter or bad connection to starter or bad ground on battery or starter
If the voltage between real ground and the ground wire is not 0.0000 Volt, then the wire is not grounded properly.
Seized engine? Dead battery? Loose or corroded battery cables? Check your neutral/ground wire. Bad starter solenoid? Replace starter and solenoid comes with it. Bad starter? Bad neutral safety switch? Possibly a bad ignition switch. Check relay located near battery on right fender of truck. If it is bad you should be able to start the truck by jumping the terminals with a screwdriver. Jump small "trigger" wire to the cable that runs to the starter