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it is ok to continue driving the vehicle while the catalytic converter is not working properly?
No, the catalytic converter has nothing whatsoever to do with your defrost system.
the answer u are looking for . a stopped up catalytic converter will not let the engine 2 create a vacume that cause your problem . it needs air flow to breath p.s yes it can and will
Having no catalytic converter installed is illegal and can cause a myriad of problems. Probably not a backfire though.
Yes, internal coolant consumption can damage a catalytic converter.
No, the catalytic converter is downstream from the EGR valve so it has no effect on it.
It may be your catalytic converter. Ours did the same thing with an automatic transmission. We sometimes thought it was the transmission, then we received a recall on the converter. Took it in to be replaced, and no more rattling.
A bad catalytic converter can cause hard starts if it has become clogged. This produces excessive back pressure in the engine.
Check the catalytic converter for leaks.
A bad coil can damage a converter. If the engine is misfiring, it will cause raw fuel to get into the converter and that can cause failure.
That depends on the engine and the fuel you've used. If the engine starts burning oil a catalytic converter can fail rapidly. Some fuel additives can also cause a catalytic converter to fail prematurely.