Alternator is not charging the battery
One possible cause is a defective alternator, Have the charging system checked.
In all probability the alternator is not charging as it should. It could be from a bad voltage regulator or the alternator being defective.
You have a problem with the charging system. More than likely the alternator has failed.
When this light stays on, it is telling you the system is not charging. Possible bad alternator, battery, or loose or disconnected wire.
Battery light usually means alternator not charging. Most common solutions would be be a bad alternator, bad connection, or loose alternator belt. If the battery and alt test ok than check the connections to the alternator and battery. The alternator should have 2 connections.
Need to know where I can find Ford Explore 1998 Alternator fuse , because battery is not charging.
my 05' cavalier has a bad alternator problem its charging the battery a little bit then stops and the little power my battery has is drained by the end of the night. I replaced the alternator twice and the battery but still no difference.
It is probably the alternator that is whining - and not charging so you have run out of battery power and it won't turn over.
First off you posted this in the wrong section. lol Anyway the light usually comes on when the alternator is no longer charging the battery while driving, most likely it means that either the battery has low voltage or your alternator is becoming a little faulty.
probably your battery is going bad - but could be the alternator as well.
Perhaps alternator is not charging battery properly - check with a volt meter A fully charged battery should read approx. 12.8 volts without engine running reading should be approx. 14.2 with engine running with good alternator