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Steve is important in the book "Rumble Fish" because he is the narrator and provides insight into the events and characters in the story. He is also Rusty-James's best friend and a complex character who adds depth to the plot with his relationships and actions. Additionally, Steve's struggles and growth contribute to the overall themes of the novel.

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In the book rumble fish what the relationships with Steve and patty?

Steve and Patty share a close relationship in the book Rumble Fish. They are siblings and have a complicated dynamic due to their troubled family background and Steve's involvement in gang activities. Patty plays a protective role towards Steve, but their relationship is strained by their different choices and struggles.

What are some character traits of Steve from Rumble Fish?

Steve in "Rumble Fish" is portrayed as loyal and protective towards Rusty-James. He is also shown to be thoughtful and introspective, often pondering deeper questions about life and their place in the world.

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Rusty best friend Steve

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Yes, several characters appear in both novels, which are both written by S.E. Hinton. Ponyboy Curtis from The Outsiders makes a brief appearance in Rumble Fish, while Steve Hays from The Outsiders has a larger role in Rumble Fish. There are other connections between the two novels as well.

When did The Rumble Fish happen?

The Rumble Fish happened in 2004.

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The duration of Rumble Fish is 1.57 hours.

What is the difference for rumble fish the book and rumble fish the movie?

The book "Rumble Fish" by S.E. Hinton was published in 1975, while the movie adaptation was directed by Francis Ford Coppola and released in 1983. The movie stays true to the basic plot and characters of the book, but there are some differences in themes and character development. Additionally, the movie adds stylistic elements, such as black-and-white cinematography and a more stylized narrative.

Is there a chapter 12 in rumble fish?

Yes, Rumble Fish has 12 chapters.

When was The Rumble Fish created?

The Rumble Fish was created on 2005-03-17.

When was Rumble Fish created?

Rumble Fish was created on 1983-11-08.

When was Rumble Fish - band - created?

Rumble Fish - band - was created in 2004.

Rumble Fish- who is judy mcgee?

Judy McGee is a minor character in the novel "Rumble Fish" by S.E. Hinton. She is Steve's girlfriend, who becomes involved in the gang culture of Rusty-James and Motorcycle Boy. Judy symbolizes attachments to the past and a desire for a different life outside of the gang's influence.