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He outlined the characteristics that an effective leader must have.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 5mo ago

Machiavelli is considered the father of Political Science for his seminal work "The Prince," which laid the foundation for the study of politics as a science distinct from ethics or philosophy. He focused on the acquisition and maintenance of power, emphasizing pragmatic strategies and an understanding of human nature. His insights into governance, leadership, and statecraft continue to influence political thought to this day.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because he studied what there is in politics rather than what should be the ideal order.

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Q: Why is Machiavelli considered to be the father of Political Science?
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Why was Machiavelli considered the father of modern political science?

Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political science because of his seminal work "The Prince," which examines political power and leadership in a pragmatic and realistic manner. He emphasized the importance of understanding how rulers can maintain and consolidate their power, even if it means using ruthless tactics. This marked a departure from traditional political thought and laid the foundation for modern political theory.

Why is Machiavelli considered by some I be the father of modern political science?

Machiavelli is considered the father of modern political science because of his groundbreaking work "The Prince," which analyzed politics in a realistic and pragmatic way. He emphasized the importance of power, leadership, and the nature of politics, setting the stage for the study of politics as a science rather than just a moral or philosophical endeavor. His ideas challenged traditional views on governance and influenced future political thought.

Why is Machiavelli the father of modern political science?

he outlined the characteristics that an effective leader must have

The father of modern political science is considered to be?

Niccolo Machiavelli is often considered the father of modern political science for his groundbreaking work "The Prince," which explored the nature of power, leadership, and governance. His ideas on political realism and the separation of ethics from politics have had a lasting impact on the field of political science.

Why is Machiavelli considered by some of the father of modern political science?

Because of the enduring fame of his book "Il Principe" ('the Prince') in which he set out the rules and standards - plus some tactics - of succesful rule and political maneuvering.

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RenΓ© Descartes is often considered the father of modern rationalism. He was a prominent French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist whose work laid the foundation for much of modern philosophy, particularly in terms of the relationship between reason and knowledge. Descartes is famous for his method of doubting everything to arrive at certain knowledge ("Cogito, ergo sum"), which had a lasting influence on the development of modern thought.

Machiavelli is considered by some to be the father of modern political science. Why?

Machiavelli's book "The Prince" gave practical advice about government that was free from the pretences and illusions of earlier political discourse.

Who is the mother of political science?

Aristotle is often considered the "father of political science" for his influential work in the field, particularly his book "Politics." However, there isn't a specific individual referred to as the "mother of political science." Political science as a discipline has evolved over time with contributions from many scholars.

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Who is called as the father of political father?

Many philosophers have been credited as the father of political science.

Is known as the father of political science.?

Aristotle is the father of political science. He advised the leader Alexander the great and he wrote a book called Politics.

Who is known as the father of political science?

Aristotle is the father of political science. He advised the leader Alexander the great and he wrote a book called Politics.