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Wilbur didn't run away after seeing Zuckerman's slops because he was aware that those slops were his source of food and sustenance at the farm. Additionally, Wilbur had developed a bond with Charlotte and the other animals on the farm, which made him feel a sense of belonging and companionship that outweighed the initial shock of seeing the slops.

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Q: Why don't Wilbur run away when he saw Zuckerman's slops storyCharlotte's Web?
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Towards the end of the story, Charlotte dies after giving birth to three baby spiders. Wilbur does not win the Pig Contest, but the three baby spiders become Wilbur's friends, and the story ends happily.

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What was Charlotte's web main event?

A pig called Wibur is about to get killed for Christmas , but a spider, Charlotte, has a plan to save Wilbur. Charlotte creates webs that say "Extraordinary Pig" or "terrific ". Now, Wilbur is the fashion center. He is taken to the fair and receives a blue ribbon, 1st place. Charlotte is having babies, and she dies of her old age, so Wilbur rescues the babies and all the babies go away to find their own fortune. However, three spiders remain and become Wilbur's friend and they live happily ever after. I recommend this book to all fantasy readers.

What is the plot in the story Charlotte's Web?

A pig called Wibur is about to get killed for Christmas , but a spider, Charlotte, has a plan to save Wilbur. Charlotte creates webs that say "Extraordinary Pig" or "terrific ". Now, Wilbur is the fashion center. He is taken to the fair and receives a blue ribbon, 1st place. Charlotte is having babies, and she dies of her old age, so Wilbur rescues the babies and all the babies go away to find their own fortune. However, three Spiders remain and become Wilbur's friend and they live happily ever after. I recommend this book to all fantasy readers.

What is the main idea of the Web?

A pig called Wibur is about to get killed for Christmas , but a spider, Charlotte, has a plan to save Wilbur. Charlotte creates webs that say "Extraordinary Pig" or "terrific ". Now, Wilbur is the fashion center. He is taken to the fair and receives a blue ribbon, 1st place. Charlotte is having babies, and she dies of her old age, so Wilbur rescues the babies and all the babies go away to find their own fortune. However, three Spiders remain and become Wilbur's friend and they live happily ever after. I recommend this book to all fantasy readers.

What is the the exposition rising action climax falling action and setting for Charlotte's Web?

Exposition: The story is set on a farm where a pig named Wilbur forms a friendship with a spider named Charlotte. Rising action: Wilbur learns that he is meant for slaughter, prompting Charlotte to come up with a plan to save him through her web-writing abilities. Climax: Charlotte's web successfully convinces the Zuckerman family to spare Wilbur's life. Falling action: Charlotte passes away, but her offspring stick around to keep Wilbur company and carry on her legacy. Setting: The story is set in a rural farm in Maine.