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Because his mother died directly after she promised to take him to see the sunrise.

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David doesn't look at the sunrise in "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli because he is blind. He experiences the world through his other senses, such as touch and sound. This aspect of his character adds depth and complexity to the story, highlighting the different perspectives and experiences of the characters in the book.

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Q: Why doesn't david look at the sun rise in eggs by Jerry Spinelli?
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What does David look like in Eggs by Jerry Spinelli?

In "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli, David is described as having messy, shaggy hair, large wire-rimmed glasses, and a shy demeanor. He is depicted as tall and gangly, with a tendency to be reserved and contemplative.

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"Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli is a work of fiction. It tells the story of a young boy named David who forms an unlikely friendship with an elderly woman named Primrose.

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The conflict in the book "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli is primarily internal. It focuses on the protagonist David dealing with his emotions and navigating personal challenges, rather than external forces or outside conflicts.

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is that david and primrose dont have any friends but they make friends together.

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The point of view in "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli is third-person limited, following the thoughts and feelings of the protagonist, David. This allows readers to see the world through David's perspective and understand his experiences and emotions more deeply.

What is a symbol of the book eggs by Jerry Spinelli?

In "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli, the symbol of eggs represents growth, new beginnings, and the journey of self-discovery. The eggs that David keeps in his room symbolize his own personal growth and his ability to emerge from difficult situations stronger and more self-aware. Through the process of caring for the eggs, David learns about responsibility, nurturing, and the power of connections with others.

Who is Primrose in the book eggs?

Primrose is one of the main characters in the book "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli. She is an imaginative and free-spirited girl who lives in a small town and befriends David, the protagonist. Primrose helps David come to terms with his mother's death and teaches him to see the world in a different light.

Who is the antagonist and protagonist in eggs by Jerry Spinelli?

In "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli, the protagonist is David, a young boy struggling with grief over his mother's death. The antagonists are the "Crackie family," a group of unruly boys who initially disrupt David's life but end up forming an unexpected bond with him as the story progresses.

What is the problem and solution to the story eggs by Jerry Spinelli?

The problem in "Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli is that David, the main character, struggles with feelings of grief and loneliness following the death of his mother. The solution lies in the friendships he forms with Primrose and the elderly residents of the retirement community, which help him heal and find a sense of belonging and purpose.

What is the time of the book eggs bi Jerry Spinelli?

"Eggs" by Jerry Spinelli is set in modern times and does not have a specific time period. It is a contemporary novel focusing on the friendship between a young boy named David and an elderly woman named Primrose.