You can spell it the way I spell my name which is Anjela
Another way to spell the name Francis is "Frances".
There are many ways to spell a name, and it is entirely up to the individual to spell their name any way they wish.
The correct way to spell his name, according to the manga, is Kyo.
The same way you spell it in ENGLISH
yes you can
There is only one correct way to spell the name "Purvis."
i personally think that ''katelyn'' is the correct way to spell katelyn because that's how you spell my name, yes my name is katelyn(: "Katelyn's Rock!!"
the bes tway is your berth
you spell kobe in spanish the same way you spell it in English: Kobe.
You can spell Shelby like this!ShelbyShelbiShelbieShelbiithats right you can spell it any way you want