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because marx says one of the things the the Dictatorship of the people should do is get rid of the memory of capitalism and the simpleist way to do that is to kill a capitalist

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Stalin's actions cannot be solely attributed to his reading of Karl Marx, as his rise to power was influenced by various factors. While Stalin was a Marxist, his ruthless tactics, including the purges and killings, were driven by his own quest for power and control rather than purely following Marx's teachings. It is important to consider the complex historical context of the time, including political upheaval and personal ambitions, when analyzing Stalin's actions.

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Q: Why did Jospeh Stalin do his killings as of reading from Karl Marx?
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Who uses Communication?

Karl Marx Vladimir Lenin Joseph Stalin Leon Trotsky ...(if you Know more people, please edit it.)

What was stalins early life like?

Joseph Stalin grew up in quite a poor family. He was born in Gori, Georgia, in 1879. He was born into poverty that most peasants living in Russia were going through. He was his mother's fourth child, but the other three died and Stalin suffered from health problems as a child. This caused his mother to be seriously protective of him. Stalin was good in school and eventually won a scholarship to the Tiflis Theological Seminary. While studying here, he joined a secret organisation called Messame Dassy. Many members were socialist revolutionaries, and it was through these people that Stalin became interested in the ideas of Karl Marx. In 1899, Stalin was expelled from the Tiflis Theological Seminary. Later in life, he claimed the reason for why he was expelled was for trying to convert students at his school to Marxism. Karl Marx was Stalin's role model and inspired him. I hope this helped.

Who condemned capitalism?

The Communists and Socialists, like Stalin's Russia, Communist China, North Korea, ect. Germany's Karl Marx basically started the (rightful) bashing of capitalism.