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Joseph put his cup in Benjamin's sack to test his brothers' loyalty and to see if they had truly changed from their past actions. He wanted to gauge their reaction and assess their character before revealing his true identity to them.

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Q: Why did Joseph put his cup in Benjamin's sack?
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How did the silver cup get into benjamin's sack?

Answer:Joseph had a house steward put it there. (Gen.44:1-2)

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Put the original sack into another sack. Hoorah!

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Put in ball sack noodle. ball sack noode disolve everything

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What was Joseph trying to prove when he put the silver cup in the sack?

12 When Joseph saw that Benjamin had come with the brothers, he invited them to his house, where he spread a feast. For Benjamin he provided a portion five times that of the portion for each of the others. Then Joseph made a final test of his brothers. Again, he returned all their money in their individual sacks, but his own special silver cup was placed in the mouth of Benjamin's sack. After their departure, Joseph sent his house manager to accuse them of theft and to search their sacks for his cup. When it was found in Benjamin's sack, the brothers ripped their mantles apart. They were led back to face Joseph. Judah made an impassioned plea for mercy, offering to become a slave in Benjamin's place so that the boy could be returned to his father.-Genesis 43:15-44:34.13 Convinced now of his brothers' change of heart, Joseph could no longer control his emotions. After ordering everyone else to go out from him, Joseph declared: "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. But now do not feel hurt and do not be angry with yourselves because you sold me here; because for the preservation of life God has sent me ahead of you . . . in order to place a remnant for you men in the earth and to keep you alive by a great escape." He then said to his brothers: "Go up quickly to my father, and you must say to him, ' . . . Come down to me. Do not delay. And you must dwell in the land of Goshen, and . . . I will supply you with food there, for there are yet five years of famine; for fear you and your house and everything you have may come to poverty.'"-Genesis 45:4-15.-Taken from the Watchtower May 1, 1987 issue, printed by Jehovah's Witnesses

How do you preserved insect?

put in a small cup that will fit it, put water in the cup,freeze the water, then there!(or buy a small glass cup,melt some plastic put in cup to dry(put the bug in cup first)

How do you befriend dragons in how to raise a dragon?

you have to get the flower and the sack of gold and first try the flower and put it next to the dragon and if it roars it does not like that so put the sack of gold in front of it and it will shake its head and you will become friends

How do you make food coloring?

You put water in a cup then you put any color you want to put in the cup then you get a spoon and mix it up and put what you want in the cup and lat it sit in there

How do you put a cup on?

1.put boxers on. 2.put cup on. 3.put sports pants on. 4.HAVE FUN!

How do you spell sacked?

That is the correct spelling of "sacked" (put into a sack, or looted, or slang for fired).