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The residents of the annex in your lecture facility likely share common goals and interests related to their education or academic pursuits. This common ground helps foster a sense of community and collaboration among residents, making it easier for them to get along despite potentially different backgrounds or personalities. Additionally, shared living spaces and regular social interactions allow residents to develop relationships and mutual respect, contributing to a harmonious living environment.

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Q: Why aren't the residents of the annex having a hard time getting along?
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What are the winter holidays the annex resident celebrate?

I'm guessing you are talking about Anne Frank The Secret Annex residents celebrate Chanukah and Christmas.

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I dont know, and i am trying to find out.

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How did the annex residents get food or supplies?

The annex residents received food and supplies through helpers who risked their lives to bring them necessities. These helpers included employees from Otto Frank's company, as well as other brave individuals who sympathized with the occupants' situation and provided them with essential provisions.

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The residents of the secret annex had to eat less due to food shortages during World War II in Nazi-occupied Netherlands. They had to ration their supplies and make do with whatever they had available, often relying on basic staples like bread, potatoes, and canned goods.