Sailing to Byzantium was created in 1928.
In the poem "Sailing to Byzantium" by W.B. Yeats, the act of sailing to Byzantium symbolizes a journey towards spiritual and artistic fulfillment. Byzantium represents a place of timeless wisdom and beauty, and the speaker seeks to escape the limitations of old age and mortality by transcending to a realm of eternal art and culture.
The central message of the Second Coming and Sailing to Byzantium is that humans are mortal, while art is eternally beautiful. Therefore, art has permanent value.
Justinian wrote Byzantines legal code
that is no country for old men. The young
No Country for Old Men
In W.B. Yeats' poem "Sailing to Byzantium," the phrase "perne in a gyre" refers to the idea of being caught in the cycle of life and experiencing continual change and transformation. It represents the restless, ever-changing nature of human existence and the desire for something eternal and timeless.
McKinney Sam.
I think he wrote this poem after sailing from the USA to England. This is because he quotes "And that has made all the difference". So, perhaps he means that after his choosing of the road his life had taken another upturn.
Byzantium after Byzantium was created in 1935.
The original greek town is Byzantium