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This is theatre using the abandonment of conventional dramatic form to portray the futility of the human struggle in a senseless world. Major exponents are Samuel Beckett. Eugene Ionesco and Harold Pinter

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5mo ago

The term "Theatre of the Absurd" was coined by critic Martin Esslin in his 1961 book of the same name. It refers to a style of theatre that focuses on the meaninglessness of human existence in a world without purpose or communication. Playwrights associated with this movement include Samuel Beckett, Eugene Ionesco, and Harold Pinter.

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Q: Who used the term theathre of the absurd?
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Critic Martin Esslin is credited with naming the Theatre of the Absurd and used the term to identify playwrights who were embodying Albert Camusâ?? philosophy that life is inherently without meaning. He named Samuel Beckett, Harold Pinter, Jean Genet, Eugene Ionesco and Arthur Adamov as the playwrights representing the Theater of the Absurd.

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I think you mean 'absurd' -Absurd is a way of saying something is untrue or senseless.You might find this link

What is the definition of absurd?

The word "absurd" means senseless, ridiculous, or inane. It is also used for a genre of intellectually comic theater.

How is absurd used in a sentence?

Believing that aliens control a person's mind is absurd.When my dad drinks, he makes absurd claims, such as that he is the King of the United States.My teacher makes absurd comments to make us think and challenge her fallacies with facts.

What is an example of absurd in a sentence?

Don't be absurd! That's absurd! That absurd hat will prevent your admittance to the races.

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he was the persons who advertised little theathre and its pantomine

Can I have a definition of Absurd theater and of Surreal theater?

Critic Martin Esslin coined the term in his 1960 essay "Theatre of the Absurd." He related these plays based on a broad theme of the Absurd, similar to the way Albert Camus uses the term in his 1942 essay, "The Myth of Sisyphus". Surrealism-Plays is a site devoted to the history and creative works of the Surrealist Movement, as well as the anti-tradition of avant-garde theatre.

How can you use the word absurd in a sentence?

Many diets are based on absurd ideas.The idea that "everyone does it" is an absurd and lame excuse.Black Friday is an absurd title for a shopping day.

Is synonym of absurd is- senseless?

Yes. Absurd and senseless are synonyms.